

c# Programming Glossary: representation

Direct casting vs 'as' operator?


C# Lambda expression, why should I use this?


Predicate int expressionTree The latter will get passed a representation of the abstract syntax tree that describes the expression x..

Hash and salt passwords in C#


new byte size rng.GetBytes buff Return a Base64 string representation of the random number. return Convert.ToBase64String buff private.. string . If you must convert a hash to its string representation you can use Convert.ToBase64String and Convert.FromBase64String..

Casting: (NewType) vs. Object as NewType [duplicate]


use 'as' to convert things like numbers to a different representation float to int for example . And finally using 'as' vs. the cast..

converting numbers in to words C# [duplicate]


Duplicate How can I convert an integer into its verbal representation Can anybody give me a primer code I could work on in converting..

Proper way to implement IXmlSerializable?


implementation you provide should write out the XML representation of the object. The framework writes a wrapper element and positions..

How To Represent 0.1 In Floating Point Arithmetic And Decimal


to the power of c# floating point double decimal bit representation share improve this question I've always pointed people towards.. 100 5 1000 or 1 2 3 1 3 10 4 10 5 10 Similarly the IEEE754 representation for decimal 0.8125 is s eeeeeeee mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 0 01111110..

DateTime vs DateTimeOffset


share improve this question DateTimeOffset is a representation of instantaneous time . By that I mean a moment in time that.. . It should also be pointed out that NodaTime has a representation called ZonedDateTime for this while the .Net base class library..

How can I convert an integer into its verbal representation?


can I convert an integer into its verbal representation Is there a library or a class function that I can use to convert.. that I can use to convert an integer to it's verbal representation Example input 4 567 788 Example output Four million Five hundred..

How to check if a number is a power of 2


to this of course 4 3 0 But what exactly is 4 3 The binary representation of 4 is 100 and the binary representation of 3 is 011 remember.. 4 3 The binary representation of 4 is 100 and the binary representation of 3 is 011 remember the takes the binary representation of.. representation of 3 is 011 remember the takes the binary representation of these numbers. So we have 100 4 011 3 Imagine these values..

byte[] to hex string


Result 010204081020 If you want a more compact representation you can use Base64 string base64 Convert.ToBase64String data..

Enum “Inheritance”


System.Enum. C# allows syntax to change the underlying representation of the enum values which looks like inheritance but in actuality..

What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?


doesn't change this at all all it does is enable a nice representation by the .ToString method Flags enum SuitsFlags Spades 1 Clubs..

Quickest way to convert a base 10 number to any base in .NET?


can be used to convert a number to its equivalent string representation in a specified base. Example string binary Convert.ToString.. string binary Convert.ToString 5 2 convert 5 to its binary representation Console.WriteLine binary prints 101 However as pointed out..