

c# Programming Glossary: repetitive

Non-repetitive random number C#


repetitive random number C# To generate Random numbers from 1 20 I need.. from 1 20 I need to pick selective and it should not be repetitive. How to do this in C# Note I need to loop through as like this.. this question What exactly do you mean by should not be repetitive If you mean that you don't want to get any duplicates then you..

What to do when bit mask (flags) enum gets too large


permission enum type. Since the permission values seem repetitive you could probably get away with a single enum in the end Flags..

Creating an object from from an ID (or name)


case Trials var t new Trials ct.Process item.URL repetitive code. break case Coverage var c new Coverage c.Process.. case Coverage var c new Coverage c.Process item.URL repetitive code. break default break crawler.Process item.URL Now.. my child classes inherit my base class it would be very repetitive to call .Process in every case statement. I want to cast the..

Why does one use dependency injection? [closed]


no fun. Second this is error prone. Third this is stupid repetitive work for a trained monkey. So what do you do Obviously it's..

Using CookieContainer with WebClient class


since it's easier for the caller and requires less repetitive code than the second option. Also the derivation approach works..

How to determine if user account is enabled or disabled


together a quick C# win forms app to help resolve a repetitive clerical job. I have performed a search in AD for all user accounts..

.NET : How do you get the Type of a null object?


parameterName I find the explicit string declaration to be repetitive especially since in practice the destination if probably an..

Strong password regex


6 to 12 Characters Repetitive Characters Allowed only two repetitive characters my Regex is ^ . d . a z . A Z . s w 1 2 . 6 12 but.. lookahead . A Z Repetitive Characters Allowed only two repetitive characters I am not sure what you mean by this. The negative..

Automatically INotifyPropertyChanged


Slashene and TcKs give suggestions which generates repetitive code unfortunately not all my properties are a simple case of..

Display only date and no time


to represent. Editor templates are a cool way of managing repetitive controls in MVC http coding in.net asp net mvc 3 how to use..

How to reuse code that reopens connection?


they are needed. The following code works but it is very repetitive private const int MaxRetryCount 3 public static SqlDataReader..

Simplify Overriding Equals(), GetHashCode() in C# for Better Maintainability


property values are equal. That leads to code that is repetitive to write and fragile to maintain property gets added and one..