

c# Programming Glossary: req.getrequeststream

Sending gzipped data in WebRequest?


Content Encoding gzip System.IO.Stream reqStream req.GetRequestStream GZipStream gz new GZipStream reqStream CompressionMode.Compress..

Sending File in Chunks to HttpHandler


bytes.Length req.KeepAlive true using Stream s req.GetRequestStream s.Write bytes 0 bytes.Length s.Close HttpWebResponse res HttpWebResponse..

WebRequest POST with both file and parameters


req.ContentLength byteArray.Length filedata.Length req.GetRequestStream .Write byteArray 0 byteArray.Length req.GetRequestStream .Write.. req.GetRequestStream .Write byteArray 0 byteArray.Length req.GetRequestStream .Write filedata 0 filedata.Length WebResponse response req.GetResponse..

How do you programmatically fill in a form and 'POST' a web page?


form urlencoded req.ContentLength send.Length Stream sout req.GetRequestStream sout.Write send 0 send.Length sout.Flush sout.Close WebResponse..

Login to website and use cookie to get source for another page


formParams req.ContentLength bytes.Length using Stream os req.GetRequestStream os.Write bytes 0 bytes.Length WebResponse resp req.GetResponse..

Using HttpWebRequest to POST data/upload image using multipart/form-data


Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes postData using Stream dataStream req.GetRequestStream dataStream.Write reqData 0 reqData.Length var res HttpWebResponse.. multipart form data boundary boundary using var reqStream req.GetRequestStream var reqWriter new StreamWriter reqStream var tmp string.Format..

Login to the page with HttpWebRequest


String PassWord Password StreamWriter sw new StreamWriter req.GetRequestStream sw.Write application portal url http 3A 2F 2Fwww.bhmobile.ba..

How to Download the File using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse class(Cookies,Credentials,etc.)


login req.ContentLength postbuf.Length Stream rs req.GetRequestStream rs.Write postbuf 0 postbuf.Length rs.Close cookie req.CookieContainer..

Uploading files to Sharepoint (WSS 3.0) document library using HTTP PUT


CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials Stream outStream req.GetRequestStream string status CopyStream inStream outStream if status success..

ASP.NET Post to Facebook Wall


byte byteArray Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes postData var stream req.GetRequestStream stream.Write byteArray 0 byteArray.Length stream.Close WebResponse..

Uploading picture to picasa web


auth auth req.Headers.Add Slug test Stream stream req.GetRequestStream stream.Write send 0 length stream.Close WebResponse response..

RESTful WCF service image upload problem


POST 48 req.ContentType image jpeg 49 var reqStream req.GetRequestStream 50 51 var imageStream new MemoryStream 52 using var i Image.FromFile..

HttpRequest and POST


bld.Length StreamWriter writer new StreamWriter req.GetRequestStream var encodedData Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes bld.ToString writer.Write.. of the writer object. using var writer new StreamWriter req.GetRequestStream writer.Write bld.ToString You don't need to explicitly set the..

C# - HttpWebRequest POST (Login to Facebook)


req.ContentLength loginDataBytes.Length Stream stream req.GetRequestStream stream.Write loginDataBytes 0 loginDataBytes.Length HttpWebResponse..

Is WebRequest The Right C# Tool For Interacting With Websites?


postData.Length StreamWriter stOut new StreamWriter req.GetRequestStream System.Text.Encoding.ASCII stOut.Write postData stOut.Close..

C# Login to Website via program


formParams req.ContentLength bytes.Length using Stream os req.GetRequestStream os.Write bytes 0 bytes.Length WebResponse resp req.GetResponse..