

c# Programming Glossary: reqstream

Sending gzipped data in WebRequest?


req.Headers.Add Content Encoding gzip System.IO.Stream reqStream req.GetRequestStream GZipStream gz new GZipStream reqStream.. req.GetRequestStream GZipStream gz new GZipStream reqStream CompressionMode.Compress System.IO.StreamWriter sw new System.IO.StreamWriter.. sw.Write large_amount_of_data sw.Close gz.Close reqStream.Close System.Net.WebResponse resp req.GetResponse handle response.....

Using HttpWebRequest to POST data/upload image using multipart/form-data


multipart form data boundary boundary using var reqStream req.GetRequestStream var reqWriter new StreamWriter reqStream.. req.GetRequestStream var reqWriter new StreamWriter reqStream var tmp string.Format propFormat str1 hello world reqWriter.Write..

RESTful WCF service image upload problem


47 req.Method POST 48 req.ContentType image jpeg 49 var reqStream req.GetRequestStream 50 51 var imageStream new MemoryStream.. 54 55 var imageArray imageStream.ToArray 56 reqStream.Write imageArray 0 imageArray.Length 57 reqStream.Close 58.. 56 reqStream.Write imageArray 0 imageArray.Length 57 reqStream.Close 58 var resp HttpWebResponse req.GetResponse 59 var r..

Can't connect to FTP: (553) File name not allowed


without having to specify a file byte buffer Stream reqStream FileStream stream FtpWebResponse response FtpWebRequest request.. fl stream File.OpenRead Path.Combine dir files fl reqStream request.GetRequestStream buffer new byte 4096 2 int nRead.. 0 while nRead stream.Read buffer 0 buffer.Length 0 reqStream.Write buffer 0 nRead stream.Close reqStream.Close response..