

php Programming Glossary: mixing

How to get file extension in PHP? [duplicate]


Strategy for supporting unicode & multi language in PHP5


anything. It's only getting problematic once you start mixing encodings throughout your app. If you're starting to talk about..

How to properly indent PHP/HTML mixed code?


to properly indent PHP HTML mixed code When mixing PHP and HTML what is the proper indentation style to use Do..

PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)?


Am I mixing up event driven programming with signals aware interfaces Singal..

data mapper vs active record [closed]


clear responsability storing retrieving domain objects no mixing of concerns here as a result more easy to inject persistence..

PHP forums - how to cope with unread discussions / topics / posts


last login Advantage Save space The other alternative is mixing solutions that is 1 and 3 show thread as unread if they aren't..

What are namespaces?


we can avoid the headache of naming collisions when mixing third party code with our own projects. share improve this..

Rewrite Rijndael 256 C# Encryption Code in PHP


your posted C# code has some serious problems. You are mixing byte arrays with stirng representing hex dumps you use a hard..

Calling javascript function with php code


as JS it cannot call JavaScript functions unless you start mixing extensions that can talk to Rhino Spidermonkey etc on the server..

Why need to use JSON in php and AJAX


hierarchical data I also know how to make JSON like mixing a literal array and object in JS and how to dsplay it in js...

MySQL injection protection and vulnerability signs using PHP


improve this question Use prepared statements instead of mixing the statement and the actual payload data. see http dev.mysql.com..

How to dynamically call a php function in javascript


this question This is not possible because you're mixing client side behavior with server side behavior. What you need..

SQL like statement problems


name . EDIT in this case your real problem appears to be mixing up prepared statements as supported by mysqli prepare and mysqli_stmt..

What's the best way to separate PHP Code and HTML? [closed]


to separate PHP Code and HTML closed I really don't like mixing PHP and HTML. Mixing them makes it difficult to maintain both..

phpMailer attachment


Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements


some cases modifying or deleting data maliciously. You're mixing here everything. Speaking of database for the strings it is..

Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8


a service was giving me a feed of data all messed up mixing UTF8 and Latin1 in the same string. Usage utf8_string Encoding..

Why is $a + ++$a == 2?


1 are actually wrong. According to the PHP documentation mixing and in this manner is undefined behavior so you could get either.. and it would be just as valid. See example 1 which says mixing and produces undefined behavior a 1 echo a a may print 4 or..