

php Programming Glossary: mixed

php soap client for uk mail webservice api?


xs complexType name UKMLoginResponse xs complexContent mixed false xs extension base tns UKMWebResponse xs sequence xs element..

PHP Create a Multidimensional Array from an array with relational data [duplicate]


a id parent id adjacency list structure @param mixed r root id node to return @param string pk parent id index @param..

PHP DomDocument failing to handle utf-8 characters (??


your input is actually UTF 8 encoded. If you have even mixed encodings that can happen with some inputs mb_convert_encoding..

PHP file cannot enter some part of code


@link http php.net manual en iterator.key.php @return mixed scalar on success or null on failure. public function key return..

How safe are PHP session variables?


variable The idea would then be that on any page with mixed authority I could simply query the session variable to discover..

php multi-dimensional array remove duplicate


Notice 2 The indexes in the resulting array are somewhat mixed up. But I guess this doesn't matter... share improve this answer..

Is there any particular difference between intval and (int)?


How to send email with attachment using PHP?


x headers . nMIME Version 1.0 n . Content Type multipart mixed n . boundary mime_boundary email_message . This is a multi part..

Short unique id in php


are preferred over numbers and ideally it would not be mixed case. As the number of entries will not be that many up to 10000..

php send e-mail with attachment


. to headers . r nContent Type . contentType. boundary PHP mixed . random_hash. attachment chunk_split base64_encode file_get_contents.. base64_encode file_get_contents filename ob_start echo PHP mixed random_hash Content Type multipart alternative boundary PHP.. Transfer Encoding 7bit mail_msg PHP alt random_hash PHP mixed random_hash Content Type text plain name filename Content Transfer..

php send email with attachment


from. r n . MIME Version 1.0 r n . Content Type multipart mixed boundary . uid. r n r n . This is a multi part message in MIME..

PHP OOP core framework


id . id . LIMIT 1 It seems controllers and models gets mixed up this way. Yet in a logical way a project is a container that..

Mixed Array and object


Array and object I have an array like this Array count 2 0..

How can I make a singleton wrapper for PDO?


every get to PDO instance @param String name @return Mixed public function __get name return this _pdo name Delegate.. every set to PDO instance @param String name @param Mixed val @return Mixed public function __set name val return this.. PDO instance @param String name @param Mixed val @return Mixed public function __set name val return this _pdo name val ..

Bulletin board - Database optimisation


if anything isn't. For starters all names are singular. Mixed Case is easier to read you are supposed to use capitals for..

XML node with Mixed Content using PHP DOM


node with Mixed Content using PHP DOM Is there a way to create a node that..

MySQL INSERT …ON DUPLICATE UPDATE - Adds one to the autoincrement


for the purposes of InnoDB's AUTO_INCREMENT handling. Mixed mode inserts are basically ones where the maximum number of.. known but the amount that will actually be needed is not. Mixed mode inserts get handled specially by default as described in..

Case-inconsistency of PHP file paths on Mac / MAMP?


All lower case PATH Users me Stuff mamp_server my_site Mixed case What is causing this inconsistent behavior and how can..

CodeIgniter MSSQL connection


and password are both valid and that the server accepts Mixed authentication Windows SQL authentication . I'm auto loading..