

php Programming Glossary: mission

Facebook PHP SDK Throwing an Uncatchable OAuthException


in any case it doesn't much matter this is not a mission critical thing to worry about if we don't post the graph action..

How to enable DDoS protection?


at risk might be peanuts. For a paid for public facing mission critical system for an established multi billion dollar business..

What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP?


request headers. If relying on IP addresses for something mission critical resort to REMOTE_ADDR and don't bother catering to..

How to IPC between PHP clients and a C Daemon Server?


enough. I also need to keep it simple stupid as this is a mission critical service and I am fairly new to this type of program...

PHP: nested menu with a recursive function, expand only some nodes (not all the tree)


Page 1 3 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 And so on Seems a mission impossible to me any help please Thanks in advance php arrays..

Making an Image Greyscale with GD Library


an Image Greyscale with GD Library My mission is to create a little app where you can upload a picture and..

Five unique, random numbers from a subset


or arrays Please keep in mind this a curiosity not some mission critical problem. I would appreciate it if everyone didn't post..

Convert array of paths into UL list


job opportunities job opportunities a li li a href about mission mission a li li a href about privacy policy privacy policy a.. job opportunities a li li a href about mission mission a li li a href about privacy policy privacy policy a li ul li..

Better Random Generating PHP


Linux BSD etc. is to use dev random . If the randomness is mission critical you will have to use a hardware random generator ...

Clicking a link display it in Different Div on Same Page


If I have three links like home about author and about our mission. I would like to be able to click about author and in the main_content..

Restrict ajax call origin


Ajax request is being called from your app. If that was a mission critical high security requirement then I would secure it the..