

php Programming Glossary: mm

PHP mysql insert date format


DATE values in these formats As a string in either 'YYYY MM DD' or 'YY MM DD' format. A œrelaxed syntax is permitted Any.. in these formats As a string in either 'YYYY MM DD' or 'YY MM DD' format. A œrelaxed syntax is permitted Any punctuation character.. equivalent. As a string with no delimiters in either 'YYYYMMDD' or 'YYMMDD' format provided that the string makes sense as..

PHP's strtotime() in Java


new DateFormatMatcher new SimpleDateFormat yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH mm ss z matchers.add new DateFormatMatcher new.. new DateFormatMatcher new SimpleDateFormat EEE d MMM yyyy HH mm ss Z matchers.add new DateFormatMatcher new SimpleDateFormat.. new DateFormatMatcher new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd add as many format as you want not thread safe public static..

Calculating days of week given a week number


week_from_monday date Assuming date is in format DD MM YYYY list day month year explode _REQUEST date Get the weekday..

Get first day of week in PHP?


first day of week in PHP Given a date MM dd yyyy format can someone help me get the first day of the..

Getting all dates for Mondays and Tuesdays for the next year


'D d M Y' format excluded dates as YYYY MM DD date 'Y m d' excluded_dates array '2010 03 09' '2010 04 13'..

Practical Zend_ACL + Zend_Auth implementation and best practices


date new Zend_Date user last_access date toString 'YYYY MM dd HH mm ss' user save Smapp setCurrentUser user return Smapp..

Change date format (in DB or output) to dd/mm/yyyy - PHP MySQL


MySQL stores the date in my database by default as 'YYYY MM DD' The field type for my date is 'DATE' I do not need any time.. .. Is there a simple way to change it by default to DD MM YYYY I call up different dates in 2 different tables and no..

Why doesn't MySQL support millisecond / microsecond precision?


joined by a space. Therefore the format template is YYYY MM DD HH MI SS. So there are no microseconds mentioned either as..

Comparing two dates


the date looks like this 2011 10 2 Store it in YYYY MM DD and then string comparison will work because '1' '0' etc...

PHP: Return all dates between two dates in an array


strDateFrom strDateTo takes two dates formatted as YYYY MM DD and creates an inclusive array of the dates between the from..

In PHP, is there an easy way to get the first and last date of a month?


get the first and last day of a month in the format YYYY MM DD given only the month and year. Is there a good easy way to..

PHP get number of week for month


of weeks into the month a date is @param date a YYYY MM DD formatted date @param rollover The day on which the week..

php date format YYYY-MM-DD minus or add one week from now?


date format YYYY MM DD minus or add one week from now today 22 05 2011 so it should..

Convert date format for db [duplicate]


another in PHP I have a date in the following format DD d MM yy Friday 21 October 2011 how do I reformat it to store in mySQL..

PHP mysql insert date format


dateFormat option .selector .datepicker dateFormat yyyy mm dd Use MySQL's STR_TO_DATE function to convert the string INSERT.. chapter on the mysql_ functions This extension is not recommended for writing new code. Instead either the mysqli or PDO_MySQL.. or TIMESTAMP column for holding a date value I recommend you consider using MySQL's DATE type instead. As explained..

PHP's strtotime() in Java


new SimpleDateFormat yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH mm ss z matchers.add new DateFormatMatcher new SimpleDateFormat.. DateFormatMatcher new SimpleDateFormat EEE d MMM yyyy HH mm ss Z matchers.add new DateFormatMatcher new SimpleDateFormat..

Format MySQL datetime with PHP


have a datetime column in MySQL which I need to convert to mm dd yy H M AM PM using PHP. php mysql share improve this question..

Formulas to Calculate Geo Proximity


is dead slow however it's pretty accurate down to 0.5 mm . The Haversine Formula is way faster than the Vincenty Formula..

Convert date format yyyy-mm-dd => dd-mm-yyyy


date format yyyy mm dd dd mm yyyy I am trying to convert a date from yyyy mm dd.. date format yyyy mm dd dd mm yyyy I am trying to convert a date from yyyy mm dd to dd mm.. mm dd dd mm yyyy I am trying to convert a date from yyyy mm dd to dd mm yyyy but not in SQL however I don't know how the..

Strtotime() doesn't work with dd/mm/YYYY format


doesn't work with dd mm YYYY format I really like the strtotime function but the user.. description of the supported date formats. Strtotime 'dd mm YYYY' doesn't work it works only with mm dd YYYY format. If.. Strtotime 'dd mm YYYY' doesn't work it works only with mm dd YYYY format. If I have date in dd mm YYYY format how can..

PHP calculate age


the age of a person given their DOB in the format dd mm yyyy. I was using the following function which worked fine for.. share improve this question This works fine. php date in mm dd yyyy format or it can be in other formats as well birthDate..

Simplest way to detect a mobile device


hiptop iemobile ip hone od iris kindle lge maemo midp mmp netfront opera m ob in i palm os phone p ixi re plucker pocket.. m3ga m50 ma te ui xo mc 01 21 ca m cr me rc ri mi o8 oa ts mmef mo 01 02 bi de do t o v zz mt 50 p1 v mwbp mywa n10 0 2 n20.. 32 60 2 7 i qtek r380 r600 raks rim9 ro ve zo s55 sa ge ma mm ms ny va sc 01 h oo p sdk se c 0 1 47 mc nd ri sgh shar sie..

How to sort a date array in PHP


sorting share improve this question Use the ISO yyyy mm dd format rather than the english format and then just use the.. an alphanumeric comparison on the string keys and the yyyy mm dd format works perfectly well as the lexical order is the same.. the sub arrays. In this case you should use uksort as recommended elsewhere but I would recommend that you go with your own..