

php Programming Glossary: mistakes

What security issues should I look out for in PHP


I was wondering if there are any PHP specific security mistakes that I should be looking out for. So my question is what are..

How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables


has the following structure. I will try to think of common mistakes that are made when starting out and explain what goes wrong..

What are the benefits of OO programming? Will it help me write better code? [closed]


use it properly. As with every powerful tool you will make mistakes. As with every powerful tool you will have to practice a lot...

PHP session lost after redirect


extension is .php it happens Now these are the most common mistakes but if they didn't do the trick the problem is most likely to..

PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them?


the other there are some general patterns to solve syntax mistakes . And this reference question tries to collect a few common.. questions. Therefore answering everyones coding mistakes and very narrow typos is mostly considered off topic. So please.. than normal code blocks. The most prevalent newcomer mistakes are Missing semicolons for terminating statements lines. Mismatched..

How can I port a legacy Java/J2EE website to a modern scripting language (PHP,Python/Django, etc)?


project. This never works out well. Why You'll make dumb mistakes. But you can't delete or rework them because you're supposed.. your legacy SQL. You'll have to rethink your model fix old mistakes correct old bugs that you've always wanted to correct. Write..

What's the best method to use / store encryption keys in MySQL


more encryption layers thereby increasing the chance of mistakes being made. The other option is to enter the password upon webserver..

Parsing of badly formated HTML in PHP


included php parser that doesn't care about these kinds of mistakes Or perhaps a fast way to fix a 'broken' html php html parsing..

Accessing the DI container


passed into the Execution part. This is one of the basic mistakes everyone including myself tries to make when they first come..

mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource problem [duplicate]


to create a php shopping cart I don't get it I see no mistakes in this code but there is this error please help mysql_fetch_array..

How can I display the users profile pic using the facebook graph api?


the graph api and I am probably making a few very amateur mistakes Thanx in advance php facebook facebook graph api share improve..

In PHP5, should I use Exceptions or trigger_error/set_error_handler? [closed]


normally. It makes it really hard to ignore stupid coding mistakes that trigger E_NOTICE s and E_WARNING s. You can use try catch..

Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed]


to have examples of good code that do not repeat the awful mistakes that can so often be found in copy pasted PHP code. I have requested..

How to create a new .MDB file with php?


on how I should proceed. We're trying to reduce user load mistakes by providing them with mdb instead of CSV that they have to..

Checking for date range conflicts in MySQL


system because the system will be implemented in real so mistakes will cause many issues. thanks in advance php mysql share..

PHP OOP core framework


programming what principles it is based on what common mistakes people make and what are the most prevalent misconceptions...