

php Programming Glossary: miss

stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString (iOS method, what is Android equivalent?)


php android ios share improve this question Yeah I miss this method greatly in Android To execute JavaScript and get..

Is there a difference between i==0 and 0==i? [duplicate]


the second format to avoid assignment typos in case you miss a so that compiler warns of the typo. The second is famously..

PHP: mysql v mysqli v pdo [closed]


and every bit of data you're injecting into it and if you miss even one your entire application can be destroyed by an automatic..

Good PHP Metric tools [closed]


measures. The CloneDR is a tool that finds exact and near miss duplicated code across large software systems. It has been used..

Am I correctly supporting UTF-8 in my PHP apps?


8 site. There is always a gotcha somewhere that I seem to miss. Perhaps someone here can correct my list or OK it so I don't.. someone here can correct my list or OK it so I don't miss anything important. Database Every site has to store there data.. for that ASCII character in a sequence of bytes you could miss one and let a script element into what you thought was safe..

I need help fixing Broken UTF8 encoding


make sure that it doesn't encode them incorrectly. If you miss up on any one step through your whole process the encoding can..

Throwing a custom 503 exception in CakePHP 2


3560 APP Lib AppExceptionHandler.php line 19 What do I miss Thank you php cakephp exception handling cakephp 2.0 http status..

PHP If / Else statement not working in While loop


constant first such as if vertical layout That way if I miss the other sign PHP will error rather than assign the value erroneously...

How to ceil, floor and round bcmath numbers?


and the precision argument for the round function is missing . I was wondering if anyone can come up with a rather short.. precision . '5' precision return number I think I didn't miss anything if someone can spot any bug please let me know. Here..

Does reflection breaks the idea of private methods, because private methods can be access outside of the class?


class Maybe I dont understand the meaning of reflection or miss something else please write http en.wikipedia.org wiki Reflection_.. reflect on privates in partial trust is controlled by a permission if it is not granted then partial trust code may not do reflection..

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords


your users up front . If you do not then you might even miss the fact that you were attacked until it's too late... and you're..

Facebook friends email FQL


but this query results in empty email values. Does I miss something in query Does it even possible to get friends email.. to get friends email I tested with my partner she gave permission to the app to give out email address. php facebook facebook.. CAN'T get the email address of your friends source User permission Friends permission email not available BUT but since your..

Read a namespaced attribute from a SimpleXmlElement (imported from XMLReader)


node attr_name. br br reader next 'product' Probably i miss something... any advice would be really appriciated Thanks...

Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP


references to a specific column for example it is easy to miss those contained in a view or stored procedure. Performance is..

Is there a way to make FPDF/FPDI or Zend_Pdf support the parsing of PDFs greater than 1.4?


and I can confirm that PDF versions above 1.4 are hit and miss the interesting thing is that I have a lot of working 1.7 PDFs..

PHP: Can I reference a single member of an array that is returned by a function?


I play with allow things like this and I'm lazy enoug to miss this in PHP ... any insight appreciated ... php arrays function..

Php PDO::bindParam data types.. how does it work?


change if I have the third parameter or not. Or perhaps I miss something. Can someone tole me more Or just can someone told..

How do I compare two DateTime objects in PHP 5.2.8?


operator and it works just fine thanks. Sometimes I really miss a compiler. The bug is in the code above I am sure you will..

PHP Curl - Cookies problem


jpeg X Cache Lookup HIT from cdn images.amazon.com 8080 MISS from cdn images.amazon.com 10080 Cache Control max age 607570264.. jpeg X Cache Lookup HIT from cdn images.amazon.com 8080 MISS from cdn images.amazon.com 10080 Cache Control max age 607635331.. 2011 20 05 25 GMT Content Type image jpeg X Cache Lookup MISS from cdn images.amazon.com 10080 Cache Control public max age..