

php Programming Glossary: misses

Algorithm to get all possible string combinations from array up to certain length


a 1 b ... 1294 3332 1295 3333 The difficulty is that this misses combinations with one or more leading 'a' like aa ... a1 aa1..

Zend_Validate: Db_NoRecordExists with Doctrine


For I use Doctrine to handle my database Zend_Validate misses a DbAdapter. I could pass an adapter in the options but how..

How does similar_text work?


chars before that from the second string . That is why it misses the characters in between and that's the thing causing the difference..

Soccer simulation for a game


elseif Chance_Percent 50 shot misses the goal only 11.5 because it's an alternative way matchReport..

How to continuously keep the number of bcrypt rounds relevant to the current year's hardware?


to thwart offline attacks. Sort of true. Well true but misses the point of what I was talking about above. The cost parameter..

How stable is APC 3.1.x?


0 0.0 Bytes Hits 4456420 Misses 11090047 Request Rate hits misses 47.89 cache requests second Hit Rate 13.73 cache requests second.. 1.3 MBytes Hits 10480405 Misses 298883 Request Rate hits misses 33.21 cache requests second Hit Rate 32.29 cache requests second..

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?


Homebrew pseudo event model good intention but misses the mark Two password fields in the user table bad style Uses..

Bulk Parameterized Inserts


it once and execute it. This is a little bit dirty and misses some of the benefits that prepared queries gives. However due..

How can i parse this json data?


see some part in blue this is where the escaping of the misses Every other Friday Oh You Fancy Friday's at Push Loungee br..

Which pattern should I use for my unique instance of the User class?


minute distinctions between this pattern and that pattern misses the point and it won't get your program written. Learn by doing..

Href URL matching, [duplicate]


' s ' s i' which returns all href links on the page but it misses off the .html on some links. Any help would be greatly appreciated...

MySQL: Display only 200 characters from total value


on their tail. Hard nosed federal agent Luke Hobbs never misses his target. When he is assigned to track down Dom and Brian..

File access speed vs database access speed


then only query the DB and possibly files when the cache misses. Memory access is far far faster than database or files. If..

php false place in condition
