

php Programming Glossary: misleading

php return only duplicated entries from an array


3 Hello 4 hello Edit by @AlixAxel This answer is very misleading. It only works in this specific condition. This counter example..

MAX_FILE_SIZE in PHP - what's the point?


OpenSSL not working on Windows


create my test p12 file. Long story short the errors are misleading and it has to deal more with how you are using openssl functions..

MySQLI binding params using call_user_func_array


can be an an array and perhaps this error message is misleading. I think the issue is that my array is in someway at fault...

How can I port a legacy Java/J2EE website to a modern scripting language (PHP,Python/Django, etc)?


concept. Don't try to preserve or convert the code. It's misleading. You might convert unittests from JUnit to Python unittest...

How to get values of xml elements?


@attribute from SimpleXML especially the comment on the misleading var_dump print_r output of SimpleXML Objects. That said IIRC..

Zero-pad digits in string


improve this question First of all your description is misleading. Double is a floating point data type. You presumably want to..

Difference between “include” and “require” in php


question Update As my first search the web answer was misleading I turn to W3Schools for a more clear answer Include and require..

Difference between var_dump,var_export & print_r


if you know the types of elements in your array but can be misleading otherwise Array 0 1 2 42 3 Array 0 42 var_export prints valid..

Magento Design Patterns


that can sometimes be rather achedemic and even a little misleading. As such I am wondering what patterns other than the ones I..

PHP variable scope between code blocks


share improve this question Well after removing the misleading word function from the question title that deceived many people...

CodeIgniter Enabling Query Strings


why anyone would use it the way it's intended it's very misleading and is not the same as normal query strings. I highly suggest..

Securely hash passwords - so much conflicting advice!


space. For example the number of bits in an md5 hash is misleading because there are known attacks that reduce the actual search..

Anyone ever used PHP's (unset) casting?


a related issue. The bug is actually about a in my mind misleading passage elsewhere in the documentation which says Casting a..

What is the difference between <> and != [duplicate]


the same precedence so the docs are either wrong or misleading . Since they use the same executor and there's no decision point..