

php Programming Glossary: minute

MySQL datetime fields and daylight savings time — how do I reference the “extra” hour?


point the following happens it's 01 59 00 04 00 then 1 minute later it becomes 01 00 00 05 00 So if you simply say 1 30am..

Run a PHP script every second using CLI


time_sleep_until start i 1 My cronjob is set to every minute. I have been running this for some time now in a test environment.. Combine this with a cron job which runs that process every minute and hey presto. One approach is this set_time_limit 60 for i..

Reference assignment operator in php =&


Native php support in Visual Studio 2010?


Web 3 which does support PHP first image . My 15 minute attempt at an extension second image is not as impressive but..

Convert one date format into another in PHP


You will have to parse the elements year month day hour minute second manually using substr and hand the results to mktime..

PHP: producing relative date/time from timestamps


future date. So outputs could be 2 weeks ago 1 hour and 60 minutes ago 15 minutes and 54 seconds ago after 10 minutes and 15 seconds.. outputs could be 2 weeks ago 1 hour and 60 minutes ago 15 minutes and 54 seconds ago after 10 minutes and 15 seconds First I.. and 60 minutes ago 15 minutes and 54 seconds ago after 10 minutes and 15 seconds First I tried to code this but made a huge unmaintainable..

PHP How to find the time elapsed since a date time?


2592000 'month' 604800 'week' 86400 'day' 3600 'hour' 60 'minute' 1 'second' foreach tokens as unit text if time unit continue..

Simple “Long Polling” example code?


response and or keeping a running total of requests per minute second and pausing appropriately. If the page errors it appends..

How to get time difference in minutes in PHP


to get time difference in minutes in PHP How to calculate minute difference between two date.. to get time difference in minutes in PHP How to calculate minute difference between two date times in PHP php date time minute.. difference between two date times in PHP php date time minute share improve this question Subtract the past most one from..

php exec command (or similar) to not wait for result


I could find was someone making a CRON job to start in a minute. php exec share improve this question It's always good..

Continue PHP execution after sending HTTP response


the client and then keep executing operations for one more minute The long story I have a PHP script that has to execute a few..

How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted?


150 however it's enough to cause it takes upwards of a minute to cycle through the entire table of subscribers and send out.. alert will sit on the last page of the form for almost a minute without any positive reinforcement that their notification is.. disallow crons from running any more frequently than 5 minutes. php scripting background share improve this question ..

How can I set cron job through PHP script


Create a script to read this list and run it every minute or every 5 minutes using a cronjob . Your script will need to.. to read this list and run it every minute or every 5 minutes using a cronjob . Your script will need to be smart enough..

Find Number of Open Sessions


to this question I ended up using a cronjob running every minute from root that did something similar to ls var lib php5 wc l.. could do a cronjob that is run by a safe process every few minutes and saves that count into a file or db which PHP reads. But..

Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP


is abstract code. Sure I'll reveal this code in just a minute. As this is backwards let's review what's been done so far RecursiveTreeIterator..

What is the difference between <> and != [duplicate]


improve this question Forgetting documentation for a minute let's check out the source code. Let's start with the scanner..

Doing a while / loop to get 10 random results


website. These tags will be grabbed from the db. So at the minute i have coded it so it grabs only one. because i don't know how..