

php Programming Glossary: misko.hevery.com

Why not “instantiate a new object inside object constructor”?


bad thing and the potential problems that it causes. http misko.hevery.com code reviewers guide flaw constructor does real work UPDATE..

data mapper vs active record [closed]


be the domain object itself example cakephp see also http misko.hevery.com 2009 05 05 the problem with active record Data mapper advantages..

How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP?


2008 05 tott using dependancy injection to.html http misko.hevery.com 2008 08 17 singletons are pathological liars http misko.hevery.com.. 2008 08 17 singletons are pathological liars http misko.hevery.com code reviewers guide flaw brittle global state singletons ..

Which pattern should I use for my unique instance of the User class?


everyone say singleton is evil like static methods . http misko.hevery.com 2008 08 17 singletons are pathological liars http misko.hevery.com.. 2008 08 17 singletons are pathological liars http misko.hevery.com 2008 12 15 static methods are death to testability I could do..