

php Programming Glossary: mistaken

Retrieving the index of an inserted row


from the previous INSERT operation . However if I'm not mistaken mysql_insert_id just returns the ID of the very last operation...

PHP json_encode encoding numbers as strings


json This seems to be like what you describe if I'm not mistaken And I'm getting as output id 152 another test ananother 456..

Is there an implementable (non-theoretical) way to prove if email address belong to real email account?


to get and you're less likely to either be a spammer or be mistaken for one. Other such magic spells for not wasting paid emails..

Are prepared statements cached server-side across multiple page loads with PHP?


statements issued via the text protocol. So if I'm not mistaken currently you can't re use a mysql statement prepared during..

Slashes in MySQL tables, but using PDO and parameterized queries. Whats up?


that I should be using parameterized queries. If I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure that's what I'm doing. Am I missing something..

data mapper vs active record [closed]


persistence often globally accessed active record often mistaken to be the domain object itself example cakephp see also http..

Can I use Facebook's hiphop with frameworks like Zend Framework, cakephp, symfony


symfony1 hiphop share improve this question If I'm not mistaken HipHop has not been released yet even the wiki page linked from..

How to replace ereg?


needs AND the regexp preg_match needs which if I am not mistaken is different ... Could you guys help me out with this one Thanks..

PHP mutual exclusion (mutex)


then accumulate and then rewrite that file. If I'm not mistaken PHP will detect that the file stats.php is changed and load..

What are PHP nested functions for?


this as a side effect of the parser. Eran Galperin is mistaken that these functions are somehow private they are simply undeclared..

PHP __get and __set magic methods


that just doesn't seem right. Unless I'm completely mistaken the __get and __set methods are supposed to allow overloading..

Inserting NOW() into Database with CodeIgniter's Active Record


share improve this question Unless I am greatly mistaken the answer is No there is no way. The basic problem in situations..

PHP Multibyte String Functions


UTF 8 where a single byte inside a character can never be mistaken for another character then as long as the string you are searching..

Create variable from print_r output [duplicate]


can both contain newlines and or even 0 and which could be mistaken for print_r delimiters. Correctly reparsing the print_r structure..

How to check IF user has ALREADY liked the facebook page?


similar questions but not quite what I'm after. Maybe I'm mistaken but if someone can provide a link to one which describes my..

Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements


you have to given a length after PDO PARAM_STR if I'm not mistaken. But how can you give a set length if you're not sure on the.. you have to given a length after PDO PARAM_STR if I'm not mistaken You can but you don't have to. Now is this all safe In terms..

Best way for hashing a “remember me” cookie token


the first bold sentence but not the last one. If I'm not mistaken the purpose of a strong salted hashing algorithm is that someone..

Can mysql_real_escape_string ALONE prevent all kinds of sql injection ? [duplicate]


a string. This is extremely simple rule yet extremely mistaken by PHP folks. This is just syntax related function not security..