

php Programming Glossary: mis

OpenSSL not working on Windows


create my test p12 file. Long story short the errors are misleading and it has to deal more with how you are using openssl.. en function.openssl error string.php you could be seeing mis leading errors as error messages are queued Be careful when..

reliable user browser detection with php


a lot of browsers have quite similar data and tend to mis use it for their own benefits. But if you really want to decode..

Mark text in HTML


and other non element constructs like comments will be mis parsed. Even with a more rigorous expression to match tags ‰â€” something.. might turn em My name is strong Josh strong em into the misnested and invalid span class marked em My name is strong Josh.. on how you're styling the matches. It would also solve the misnesting problem of matches partially inside elements. ETA Oh..

HTTP authentication logout via PHP


PHP: How do I remove nested tags, and relocate them in an un-nested way?


permitted inside other tags. You'll also have to deal with mis nesting like a b a b . Your options will be either re opening..

What does the 'period' character (.) mean if used in the middle of a php string?


string for a bit more detail. Unfortunately it's sometimes mis used to the point that things become harder to read. Here are.. instead echo The result is result Another hard to catch mis use is this echo The results are . myarray 'myvalue' . and ...

Excluding/Disabling Validation in Eclipse


Disabling Validation in Eclipse I have the mis fortune of having a large project source base in which I am..

How to develop by faking login to test ACLs in Symfony 2


ability to boot the kernel see here . I've a feeling I've mis understood the question though i.e. you need to do something..