

php Programming Glossary: mkdir

multi image upload wrong quantity on file-upload


Bildmaterials echo errors gibt Array aus if is_dir Dir mkdir storageDir 0755 else mkdir Dir 0755 mkdir storageDir 0755.. Array aus if is_dir Dir mkdir storageDir 0755 else mkdir Dir 0755 mkdir storageDir 0755 Fileupload for i 0 isset _FILES.. is_dir Dir mkdir storageDir 0755 else mkdir Dir 0755 mkdir storageDir 0755 Fileupload for i 0 isset _FILES 'image' 'name'..

How do I use filesystem functions in PHP, using UTF-8 strings?


functions in PHP using UTF 8 strings I can't use mkdir to create folders with UTF 8 characters. php dir_name Depósito.. folders with UTF 8 characters. php dir_name Depósito mkdir dir_name But when I browse this folder in Windows Explorer the.. ³sito What should I do php utf 8 directory filesystems mkdir share improve this question Just urlencode the string desired..

How to backup files from a specific directory to Dropbox using PHP only?


from your computer.' tmpDir uniqid ' tmpCapes ' if mkdir tmpDir throw new Exception 'Cannot create temporary directory..

Split PDF documents into separate pages using PHP (or possibly perl)


split ' ' line my dir canonpath catfile OUTPUT_DIR class mkdir dir unless e dir my target canonpath catfile dir drug.pdf prFile..

How do I give PHP write access to a directory?


user group the PHP script is run under if file_exists dir mkdir dir 0777 file_put_contents dir.' test.txt' 'Hello File' This..

PHP image upload security check list


'upload '.date Y m d .' ' if file_exists uploaddir else mkdir uploaddir 0777 change the image name uploadfile uploaddir ...

Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///tmp/mysql.sock) in


mysql.sock but no var mysql mysql.sock then... cd var sudo mkdir mysql sudo chmod 755 mysql cd mysql ln s tmp mysql.sock mysql.sock..

New self vs. new static


How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento?


but there's no harm in setting them all up now. mkdir p app code local MyCompanyName HelloWorld mkdir p app code local.. up now. mkdir p app code local MyCompanyName HelloWorld mkdir p app code local MyCompanyName HelloWorld Block mkdir p app.. mkdir p app code local MyCompanyName HelloWorld Block mkdir p app code local MyCompanyName HelloWorld controllers mkdir..

While I am debugging PHP Script in Eclipse, it doesn't load mysql extension


like the following script should do the trick # bin bash mkdir etc php5 cli_eclipse cat etc php5 cli php.ini etc php5 conf.d..

How To Execute SSH Commands Via PHP


go about this I know I can do shell_exec SSH user@host.com mkdir testing Anything better That feels so 'naughty' . php ssh shell..