

php Programming Glossary: minutes

unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset


h key '' delete everything in this table older than 30 minutes this deleteTempData h db if key return false cleanKey preg_replace.. h delete everything in this table older than 30 minutes this deleteTempData h db sid preg_replace ' ^a z0 9 i' '' session_id..

When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks?


reading answers to similar questions on here for about 20 minutes but it seems like there is no definitive answer to this question...

Converting timestamp to time ago in PHP e.g 1 day ago, 2 days ago…


2009 09 12 20 57 19 and turn it into something like 3 minutes ago with PHP. I found a useful script to do this but I think..

Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects


that of cron so polling the subversion repository every 5 minutes would be 5 The process of building the project is specified..

PHP Background Processes


PHP script I have the script finished but it takes like 10 minutes to finish the process it is designed to do. This is not a problem..

PHP: producing relative date/time from timestamps


future date. So outputs could be 2 weeks ago 1 hour and 60 minutes ago 15 minutes and 54 seconds ago after 10 minutes and 15 seconds.. outputs could be 2 weeks ago 1 hour and 60 minutes ago 15 minutes and 54 seconds ago after 10 minutes and 15 seconds First I tried.. and 60 minutes ago 15 minutes and 54 seconds ago after 10 minutes and 15 seconds First I tried to code this but made a huge unmaintainable..

PHP Session timeout


'id' id How can I specify a timeout on that session of X minutes and then have it perform a function or a page redirect once.. a function or a page redirect once it has reached X minutes EDIT I forgot to mention that I need the session to timeout.. check how long ago they made their previous request 10 minutes in this example php if _SESSION 'timeout' 10 60 time session..

How to get time difference in minutes in PHP


to get time difference in minutes in PHP How to calculate minute difference between two date..

How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes?


do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes I need to keep a session alive for 30 minutes and then destroy.. after 30 minutes I need to keep a session alive for 30 minutes and then destroy it. php session cookies share improve this.. 'LAST_ACTIVITY' 1800 last request was more than 30 minutes ago session_unset unset _SESSION variable for the run time session_destroy..

What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game


although even if it didn't it'd be tracked down in 15 minutes with a memory search and a tracer I know my score for this game..

Does file_get_contents() have a timeout setting?


fly ini_set 'default_socket_timeout' 900 900 Seconds 15 Minutes Another way to set a timeout would be to use stream_context_create.. array 'http' array 'timeout' 1200 1 200 Seconds 20 Minutes echo file_get_contents 'http example.com ' false ctx share..

Get relative date from the NOW() function [duplicate]


`minutes` 0 THEN SET `result` CONCAT `result` `minutes` ' Minutes ' END IF IF `seconds` 0 THEN SET `result` CONCAT `result` `seconds`.. `PassedSince` '2013 01 01 00 00' Shows result 1 Hours 20 Minutes 55 Seconds 169 Days 9 Hours 20 Minutes 55 Seconds share improve..

PHP How to find the time elapsed since a date time?


2010 04 28 17 25 43 final out put text should be like xx Minutes Ago xx Days Ago php date time timestamp share improve this..

PHP Time calculation


2 dates a start date and end date Year Month Day Hours Minutes Seconds Start Date 2010 12 03 14 04 41 Expiry Date 2010 12 06..

How to convert Unix timestamp to hhmmss?


can use h 12 hour format of an hour with leading zeros i Minutes with leading zeros s Seconds with leading zeros share improve..

Parse XML with Namespace using SimpleXML


sessionKey event sessionKey event sessionName Learn QB in Minutes event sessionName event sessionType 9 event sessionType event..

Making Live Clock javascript


#C11B17 font family arial font size 16px . mins. span Minutes span style color #C11B17 font family arial font size 16px ... s span Hours span class 'datetime' id 'minutes' s span Minutes span class 'datetime' id 'seconds' s span Seconds days hours.. 'days' var eHours document.getElementById 'hours' var eMinutes document.getElementById 'minutes' var eSeconds document.getElementById..

Convert date format for db [duplicate]


zeros H 24 hour format of an hour with leading zeros i Minutes with leading zeros s Seconds with leading zeros u Microseconds..

Adding minutes to date time in PHP


I have is 2011 11 17 05 05 year month day hour minute Minutes to add will just be a number between 0 and 59 I would like the..

PHP Date Time Current Time Add Minutes


Date Time Current Time Add Minutes Simple question but this is killing my time. Any simple solution..