

php Programming Glossary: misread

Random range without duplicates in PHP


item' . image . ' a ' unset range i image UPDv2 I've misread array_rand s manual. It returns array keys instead of elements..

UTF-8 BOM signature in PHP files


all I recommend just fixing the editor settings. Oh wait I misread the last part for spreading the code to anywhere I guess you're..

Best way to connect to mysql with php securely


where you will find answers like User11318 Several period misread this as a question about how to store passwords in a database...

PHP readdir() not returning files in alphabetical order


improve this question Alphabetical order I think you misread the snippet you quoted... Returns the filename of the next file..

Why can't I use session_start() in my php script? It says headers are already sent


cookies header share improve this question You either misread or the other forums are wrong. Just because session_start is..

PHP regex templating - find all occurrences of {{var}}


the value of replace 'address' . Is this true or did I misread the php docs If it is true could someone please help show me..

How to secure database passwords in PHP?


security share improve this question Several people misread this as a question about how to store passwords in a database...