

python Programming Glossary: imagetk.photoimage

How to update image in tkinter label?


I2 255 self.I im Image.fromarray numpy.uint8 I2 photo2 ImageTk.PhotoImage im self.label2 Label self.parent border 25 image photo2 self.label2.image.. str 2 l 100 x str h 50 0 0 self.parent.geometry text photo ImageTk.PhotoImage self.img self.label1 Label self.parent border 25 image photo.. I2 255 self.I im Image.fromarray np.uint8 I2 photo2 ImageTk.PhotoImage im self.label2.image photo2 # keep a reference def setImage..

Retrieve JPEG image from a redirected URL and display it on a GUI window


io.BytesIO picBytes picPil Image.open picData picTk ImageTk.PhotoImage picPil label_9 Label image picTK bg blue .pack The problem is..

Python, tkinter: Why is this jpeg not showing? [duplicate]


io.BytesIO picBytes picPil Image.open picData picTk ImageTk.PhotoImage picPil label Label image picTK bg blue .pack The problem is..

Python images display


it to a Tkinter image object imageFile Flowers.jpg image1 ImageTk.PhotoImage Image.open imageFile # get the image size w image1.width h image1.height..

Encoding an image file with base64


base64 UUU base64.b64decode UU print UUU self.image ImageTk.PhotoImage Image.open UUU but I get the following error Traceback most.. C Python26 GUI1.2.9.py line 431 in initialize self.image ImageTk.PhotoImage Image.open UUU File C Python26 lib site packages PIL Image.py..

How to display picture and get mouse click coordinate on it


parent root initialdir C title 'Choose an image.' img ImageTk.PhotoImage Image.open File canvas.create_image 0 0 image img anchor nw..