

python Programming Glossary: imagefield

Programmatically saving image to Django ImageField


saving image to Django ImageField Ok I've tried about near everything and I cannot get this to.. I cannot get this to work. I have a Django model with an ImageField on it I have code that downloads an image via HTTP tested and.. folder the upload_to being the one that is set on the ImageField All I need to do is associate the already existing image file..

Django: add image in an ImageField from image url


add image in an ImageField from image url please excuse me for my ugly english Imagine.. very simple model class Photo models.Model image models.ImageField 'Label' upload_to 'path ' I would like to create a Photo from..

Enforce unique upload file names using django?


'uploads logos' filename Then when defining your FileField ImageField specify get_file_path as the upload_to value. file models.FileField..

Python/Django download Image from URL, modify, and save to ImageField


Django download Image from URL modify and save to ImageField I've been looking for a way to download an image from a URL.. resize actions on it and then save it to a django ImageField. Using the two great posts linked below I have been able to.. below I have been able to download and save an image to an ImageField. However I've been having some trouble manipulating the file..

How do you convert a PIL `Image` to a Django `File`?


a new Django file like object to be used in models as ImageField using # InMemoryUploadedFile. If you look at the source in Django.. have a Django file like object you may assign it to your ImageField # and save. ... Let me know if you need more clarification...

Replacing a Django image doesn't delete original


save method in the model class Photo models.Model image ImageField ... # works with FileField also def save self args kwargs #..

Django Blob Model Field


that sort of thing and yes I know they prefer you use the ImageField or FileField for that but suffice it to say that's impractical..

how to manually assign imagefield in Django


assign imagefield in Django I have a model that has an ImageField. How can I manually assign an imagefile to it I want it to treat..

Django cannot find my media files (on development server)


user uploads e.g. any file created through FileField s and ImageField s so you still need it but you won't ever manually store anything..

Django PIL : IOError Cannot identify image file


and Django. An image is provided by the user using forms.ImageField . Then I have to process it in order to create two different.. of this answer that it's the file property of a Django ImageField that comes from a file uploaded by a remote user. After a file.. remote user. After a file upload the object you get in the ImageField.file property is a TemporaryUploadedFile object that might represent..