

python Programming Glossary: images.get_serving_url

Python Google App Engine Image object


@property def image_url self return images.get_serving_url self.image This way I could parse the image url to my page like.. key_name try # get url with size 0 dyn.serving_url images.get_serving_url dyn.blob_ref size None secure_url True except DeadlineExceededError.. fails retry. This always works fine dyn.serving_url images.get_serving_url dyn.blob_ref size None secure_url True except DeadlineExceededError..

Encoding problem in app engine when submitting multipart/form-data forms


def post self upload_files self.get_uploads 'img' photourl images.get_serving_url str upload_files 0 .key photo Photo #because of multipart form..

Should I merge images in memory (.py) or in view (HTML)?


int nose_img.width int mouth_img.width eyes_url images.get_serving_url str eyes_image.blob.key size minimum nose_url images.get_serving_url.. str eyes_image.blob.key size minimum nose_url images.get_serving_url str nose_image.blob.key size minimum mouth_url images.get_serving_url.. str nose_image.blob.key size minimum mouth_url images.get_serving_url str mouth_image.blob.key size minimum self.render u'cyberfaze'..