

python Programming Glossary: image.jpg

How to reduce the image file size using PIL


a 200x374 jpeg that is 102kb large foo Image.open path to image.jpg foo.size 200 374 # I downsize the image with an ANTIALIAS filter..

Python Image Library Image Resolution when Resizing


larger image than i had before. import Image im Image.open image.jpg if im.size 7200 4800 out im.resize 3300 2200 Image.ANTIALIAS..

Read the RGB value of a given pixel in Python, Programatically


in Python Programatically If I open an image with open image.jpg how can I get the RGB values of a pixel if I have the coordinates..

How do I copy a remote image in python?


I need to copy a remote image for example http site.com image.jpg to my server. Is this possible How do you verify that this is.. download import urllib2 img urllib2.urlopen http site.com image.jpg .read To verify can use PIL import StringIO from PIL import..

Python - Find dominant/most common color in an image


package . For simplicity I've hardcoded the filename as image.jpg . Resizing the image is for speed if you don't mind the wait.. NUM_CLUSTERS 5 print 'reading image' im Image.open 'image.jpg' im im.resize 150 150 # optional to reduce time ar scipy.misc.fromimage..

Django upload image - From a form to Rackspace/S3 with no manipulation


name of key i input type text name key readonly true value image.jpg br input name file type file br input name submit value Upload.. form div br a href http s3.amazonaws.com dev.sente image.jpg http s3.amazonaws.com dev.sente image.jpg a br a href http s3.amazonaws.com.. dev.sente image.jpg http s3.amazonaws.com dev.sente image.jpg a br a href http s3.amazonaws.com dev.sente image.jpg img src..