

python Programming Glossary: image.fromstring

Detect face then autocrop pictures


pil_im.size 0 return cv_im def cv2pil cv_im return Image.fromstring L cv.GetSize cv_im cv_im.tostring pil_im Image.open 'testPics.. cv2pil cv_im # Convert the cv image to a PIL image return Image.fromstring L cv.GetSize cv_im cv_im.tostring def imgCrop image cropBox..

How to read a raw image using PIL?


bits unsigned integer. I am trying to read using the PIL Image.fromstring function as in the following code if __name__ __main__ if len.. reading a little endian unsigned integer 16 bit data. img Image.fromstring 'L' imgSize rawData 'raw' 'F 16' im.save 'out.png' The PIL documentation..

Live video stream on server (PC) from images sent by robot through UDP


nameId size image 0 image 1 data image 6 im Image.fromstring YCbCr size data s StringIO.StringIO im.save s JPEG UDPSock.sendto..

OpenCV / Array should be CvMat or IplImage / Releasing a capture object


AugmentedR src pyar.py line 40 in get_points pilimage Image.fromstring RGB cv.GetSize image image.tostring cv.error Array should be..

How to detect motion between two PIL images? (wxPython webcam integration example included)


while self.isRunning buffer width height cam.getBuffer im Image.fromstring 'RGB' width height buffer 'raw' 'BGR' 0 1 buff im.tostring self.buffer.. to VideoCaptureThread's run function after the line im Image.fromstring ... if self.image img compare.Images2 im self.image .DoComparison..