

python Programming Glossary: image.open

Read the RGB value of a given pixel in Python, Programatically


which you can manipulate like an array import Image im Image.open dead_parrot.jpg #Can be many different formats. pix im.load..

Compare two images the python/linux way


from PIL import Image def compare file1 file2 image1 Image.open file1 image2 Image.open file2 h1 image1.histogram h2 image2.histogram.. def compare file1 file2 image1 Image.open file1 image2 Image.open file2 h1 image1.histogram h2 image2.histogram rms math.sqrt.. and b.jpg is that the second one has been saved with PIL b Image.open 'a.jpg' b.save open 'b.jpg' 'wb' This apparently applies some..

How do I eliminate Windows consoles from spawned processes in Python (2.7)? [duplicate]


stdout subprocess.PIPE ppm_data err proc.communicate image Image.open StringIO.StringIO ppm_data Thanks to Ricardo Reyes Minor revision..

PIL and numpy


pixel information in a useful 3D numpy array by way of pic Image.open foo.jpg pix numpy.array pic.getdata .reshape pic.size 0 pic.size..

In Python, how do I read the exif data for an image?


improve this question Try this from PIL import Image img Image.open 'img.jpg' exif_data img._getexif This should give you a dictionary..

Detecting thresholds in HSV color space (from RGB) using Python / PIL


does work fixed some overflow errors import numpy Image i Image.open fp .convert 'RGB' a numpy.asarray i int R G B a.T m numpy.min..

python: can executable zip files include data files?


pkg_resources.resource_string __name__ 'README.txt' im Image.open pkg_resources.resource_stream 'app' 'im.png' im.rotate 45 .show..

Changing image hue with Python PIL


original image with a color filled layer. import Image im Image.open 'tweeter.png' layer Image.new 'RGB' im.size 'red' # hue selection.. arr hsv ... 0 hout rgb hsv_to_rgb hsv return rgb img Image.open 'tweeter.png' .convert 'RGBA' arr np.array np.asarray img .astype..

Programmatically generate video or animated GIF in Python?


Image ImageSequence import sys os filename sys.argv 1 im Image.open filename original_duration im.info 'duration' frames frame.copy..

Using PIL to make all white pixels transparent?


into a buffer to re create the image. Here's the code img Image.open 'img.png' imga img.convert RGBA datas imga.getdata newData list.. newData This is the working code from PIL import Image img Image.open 'img.png' img img.convert RGBA datas img.getdata newData for..

How do I generate circular thumbnails with PIL?


as an alpha layer from PIL import Image ImageOps mask Image.open 'mask.png' .convert 'L' im Image.open 'image.png' output ImageOps.fit.. Image ImageOps mask Image.open 'mask.png' .convert 'L' im Image.open 'image.png' output ImageOps.fit im mask.size centering 0.5 0.5.. draw ImageDraw.Draw mask draw.ellipse 0 0 size fill 255 im Image.open 'image.jpg' output ImageOps.fit im mask.size centering 0.5 0.5..