

python Programming Glossary: im.save

Preserve exif data of image with PIL when resize(create thumbnail)


Image.ANTIALIAS thumbnail_buf_string StringIO.StringIO im.save '512_' a JPEG The orginal image has exif data but image im 512_a.JPEG..

My own OCR-program in Python


with all model letters #make a weighting #print letter im.save D Python26 PYTHON PROGRAMME bild2.jpg print 'done' python arrays.. 255 0 0 del draw #im.show output file output.png wb im.save output output.close if __name__ __main__ main And here is the..

How to read a raw image using PIL?


img Image.fromstring 'L' imgSize rawData 'raw' 'F 16' im.save 'out.png' The PIL documentation informs that the first argument..

Live video stream on server (PC) from images sent by robot through UDP


6 im Image.fromstring YCbCr size data s StringIO.StringIO im.save s JPEG UDPSock.sendto s.getvalue addr camProxy.releaseImage..

How do you fix the following Django Error: “Type: IOError” “Value: [Errno 13] Permission denied”


thumb_fn fn thumb2 ext tf2 NamedTemporaryFile im.save tf2.name JPEG self.thumbnail2.save thumb_fn File open tf2.name.. thumb_fn fn thumb ext tf NamedTemporaryFile im.save tf.name JPEG self.thumbnail.save thumb_fn File open tf.name.. cannot on Windows NT or later . emphasis mine in the line im.save tf2.name JPEG save presumably tries to open the file so that..

Python PIL: how to make area transparent in PNG?


draw.rectangle transparent_area fill 0 im.putalpha mask im.save ' tmp output.png' I learned how to do this here . share improve..

Python windows 7 screenshot without PIL


#pil . from PIL import ImageGrab im ImageGrab.grab im.save 'screenshot.png' Update use pywin32 http sourceforge.net projects..

Python PIL: How to draw an ellipse in the middle of an image?


im draw.ellipse 60 60 40 40 fill 128 del draw im.save 'output.png' im.show This should draw an ellipse at 60 60 which.. draw ImageDraw.Draw im draw.ellipse bbox fill 128 del draw im.save output.png im.show This yields the following result 1.jpg on..

Python: Converting GIF frames to PNG


'Fighter Front.gif' transparency im.info 'transparency' im.save 'test1.png' transparency transparency im.seek im.tell 1 transparency.. im.seek im.tell 1 transparency im.info 'transparency' im.save 'test2.png' transparency transparency # First frame comes out..

python: use windows api to render text using a ttf font


f Win32Font Arial 15 im f.renderText this is just a test im.save c hope.png result brilliant To render a particular .ttf file..

Image Cropping using Python


im im.crop left upper right lower pygame.display.quit im.save output_loc Any help is appreciated. Regards. python image processing..

Why the QNetworkReply readAll() returns zero bytes?


print byteArray.size im QImage.fromData byteArray if not im.save 'test.jpg' 'jpg' print 'image save error' def main app QApplication..

Resize image maintaining aspect ratio AND making portrait and landscape images exact same size?


os.path.join album.path 'thumbs' file .thumb .jpeg im.save thumb_path Although this works I end up with different sizes..