

python Programming Glossary: imagefile

ImageFont's getsize() does not get correct text size?


a .ttf font file PIL method def make_preview text fontfile imagefile fontsize 30 try font ImageFont.truetype fontfile fontsize text_width.. False ImageMagick method def make_preview text fontfile imagefile fontsize 30 p subprocess.Popen 'convert' ' font' fontfile '.. keeping its integrity. def make_preview text fontfile imagefile fontsize 30 p subprocess.call 'convert' ' font' fontfile ' background'..

How to upload photos to a image hosting server programmatically?


value 0 id theValue div id myDiv input type file name imagefile size 27 br br input type file name imagefile size 27 br br input.. file name imagefile size 27 br br input type file name imagefile size 27 br br input type file name imagefile size 27 br br input.. file name imagefile size 27 br br input type file name imagefile size 27 br br input type file name imagefile size 27 br br input..

how to manually assign imagefield in Django


model that has an ImageField. How can I manually assign an imagefile to it I want it to treat it like any other uploaded file.....

Python images display


# load the file and covert it to a Tkinter image object imageFile Flowers.jpg image1 ImageTk.PhotoImage Image.open imageFile #.. imageFile Flowers.jpg image1 ImageTk.PhotoImage Image.open imageFile # get the image size w image1.width h image1.height # position..

Detect “overall average” color of the picture


of the color palette like so php function colorPalette imageFile numColors granularity 5 granularity max 1 abs int granularity.. max 1 abs int granularity colors array size @getimagesize imageFile if size false user_error Unable to get image size data return.. get image size data return false img @imagecreatefromjpeg imageFile Andres mentioned in the comments the above line only loads jpegs..

Python dictionary from an object's fields


How to send a file through Soap in python?


to send a png image I think never done this you would do imageFile open 'imageFile.png' 'rb' imageData imageFile.read mimeType.. image I think never done this you would do imageFile open 'imageFile.png' 'rb' imageData imageFile.read mimeType 'image png' binaryParam.. you would do imageFile open 'imageFile.png' 'rb' imageData imageFile.read mimeType 'image png' binaryParam imageData uuid.uuid4 mimeType..