

python Programming Glossary: image.resize

Image resizing with django?


not in 'L' 'RGB' image image.convert 'RGB' image image.resize size Image.ANTIALIAS # get the thumbnail data in memory. if.. not in 'L' 'RGB' image image.convert 'RGB' image image.resize size Image.ANTIALIAS o StringIO.StringIO image.save o JPEG return..

PIL: Image resizing : Algorithm similar to firefox's


original.png image Image.open StringIO.StringIO data image.resize 36 36 Image.ANTIALIAS .save home ptarjan www tmp metaward antialias.png.. antialias.png image Image.open StringIO.StringIO data image.resize 36 36 Image.BILINEAR .save home ptarjan www tmp metaward bilinear.png.. bilinear.png image Image.open StringIO.StringIO data image.resize 36 36 Image.BICUBIC .save home ptarjan www tmp metaward bicubic.png..

How to adjust the quality of a resized image in Python Imaging Library?


this question Use PIL's resize method manually image image.resize x y Image.ANTIALIAS Followed by the save method quality_val..

Python Imaging Library - Text rendering


fontsize draw.text 10 0 txt 0 0 0 font font img_resized image.resize 188 45 Image.ANTIALIAS and you endup with this result which..