

python Programming Glossary: images.image

Python Google App Engine Image object


Library PIL and Google App Engine Blobstore... This img images.Image blob_key image logging.info img.size self.response.headers 'Content.. engine does not have size So then how does this work img images.Image blob_key image img.resize width height img.im_feeling_lucky..

Processing image from the blob GAE


id logging.info 'pic key is' str product.small_pic.key img images.Image blob_key str product.small_pic.key img.im_feeling_lucky # do..

Store jpg, gif, png, etc it gae-datastore


I found an example on how to store png in datastore img images.Image img_data # Basically we just want to make sure it's a PNG #..

Should I merge images in memory (.py) or in view (HTML)?


.id ' ' unicode e u' ' eyes_img None try eyes_img images.Image image_data eyes_data ...now I just fetch 3 random images and.. .id ' ' unicode e u' ' eyes_img None try eyes_img images.Image image_data eyes_data except Exception e self.set_message type.. .id ' ' unicode e u' ' nose_img None try nose_img images.Image image_data nose_data except Exception e self.set_message type..