

python Programming Glossary: imagechops.difference

Trim whitespace using PIL


trim im border bg Image.new im.mode im.size border diff ImageChops.difference im bg bbox diff.getbbox if bbox return im.crop bbox But this.. trim im bg Image.new im.mode im.size im.getpixel 0 0 diff ImageChops.difference im bg diff ImageChops.add diff diff 2.0 100 bbox diff.getbbox..

Comparing image in url to image in filesystem in python


use following function I found def equal im1 im2 return ImageChops.difference im1 im2 .getbbox is None but this doesn't work if you have a..

Finding blank regions in image


doing is taking the difference of two images via PIL img ImageChops.difference img1 img2 And I want to find the rectangular regions that contain..

How to detect motion between two PIL images? (wxPython webcam integration example included)


image1 self.image1 if not image2 image2 self.image2 diffs ImageChops.difference image1 image2 return self.ImageEntropy diffs def ImageEntropy.. img3 Image.open 'SnowCam_main3.jpg' # No Difference img ImageChops.difference img1 img1 img.save 'test_diff1.png' print image_entropy img.. image_entropy img # 1.58496250072 # Small Difference img ImageChops.difference img1 img2 img.save 'test_diff2.png' print image_entropy img..