

python Programming Glossary: image_data

Should I merge images in memory (.py) or in view (HTML)?


' ' unicode e u' ' eyes_img None try eyes_img images.Image image_data eyes_data ...now I just fetch 3 random images and then combine.. ' ' unicode e u' ' eyes_img None try eyes_img images.Image image_data eyes_data except Exception e self.set_message type u'error'.. ' ' unicode e u' ' nose_img None try nose_img images.Image image_data nose_data except Exception e self.set_message type u'error'..

Python imaging library show() on Windows


image_queue t.setDaemon True t.start link_queue.join image_data image_queue.get image_file image_url image_data 0 0 image_data.. image_data image_queue.get image_file image_url image_data 0 0 image_data 1 0 #get the first image downloaded and take.. image_queue.get image_file image_url image_data 0 0 image_data 1 0 #get the first image downloaded and take a look image Image.open..