

python Programming Glossary: image.py

Install PIL in Ubuntu 12.04 Python 2.7 and Python 3.2


ImageDraw2.py build lib.linux x86_64 3.2 PIL copying PIL Image.py build lib.linux x86_64 3.2 PIL copying PIL FpxImagePlugin.py..

“IOError: decoder zip not available” : Ubuntu Python PIL


classic.png File usr local lib python2.7 dist packages PIL Image.py line 1437 in save save_handler self fp filename File usr local.. File usr local lib python2.7 dist packages PIL Image.py line 399 in _getencoder raise IOError encoder s not available..

Encoding an image file with base64


Image.open UUU File C Python26 lib site packages PIL Image.py line 1952 in open fp __builtin__.open fp rb TypeError file argument..

PIL crop and paste problem: Cropping doesn't create a cropped image


module region.show File C Python26 lib site packages PIL Image.py line 1483 in show _show self title title command command File.. command command File C Python26 lib site packages PIL Image.py line 2123 in _show apply _showxv image options File C Python26.. image options File C Python26 lib site packages PIL Image.py line 2127 in _showxv apply ImageShow.show image title options..

PIL and numpy


a Traceback most recent call last File ...blablabla... PIL Image.py line 1185 in putdata self.im.putdata data scale offset SystemError..

Image.frombuffer with 16-bit image data


'raw' 'BGRX' 0 1 File c python25 lib site packages PIL Image.py line 1808 in frombuffer return apply fromstring mode size data.. decoder_name args File c python25 lib site packages PIL Image.py line 1747 in fromstring im.fromstring data decoder_name args.. decoder_name args File c python25 lib site packages PIL Image.py line 575 in fromstring raise ValueError not enough image data..

Trouble using PIL in Django app on Windows


Exception Location C Python27 lib site packages PIL Image.py in getattr line 37 Python Executable C xampp apache bin httpd.exe..

Python ctypes MemoryError in fcgi process from PIL library


line 3 in module from PIL import Image File ... PIL Image.py line 45 in module __import__ FixTk File ... python2.7 lib tk..

How to save progressive jpeg using Python PIL 1.1.7?


progressive True File Library Python 2.6 site packages PIL Image.py line 1439 in save save_handler self fp filename File Library..

Python Image Library fails with message “decoder JPEG not available PIL”


Whenever I do an upload my code is failing with File PIL Image.py line 375 in _getdecoder raise IOError decoder s not available..