

python Programming Glossary: image.save

Image resizing with django?


output_filename get_default_thumbnail_filename filename image.save output_filename image.format return output_filename def thumbnail_string.. image.resize size Image.ANTIALIAS o StringIO.StringIO image.save o JPEG return o.getvalue def get_default_thumbnail_filename..

PIL: Image resizing : Algorithm similar to firefox's


beta icon.gif image Image.open StringIO.StringIO data image.save home ptarjan www tmp metaward original.png image Image.open.. data image.thumbnail 36 36 Image.ANTIALIAS image.save home ptarjan www tmp metaward antialias thumb.png image Image.open.. data image.thumbnail 36 36 Image.BILINEAR image.save home ptarjan www tmp metaward bilinear thumb.png image Image.open..

How to adjust the quality of a resized image in Python Imaging Library?


Image.ANTIALIAS Followed by the save method quality_val 90 image.save filename 'JPEG' quality quality_val Take a look at the source..

Python (creating a negative of this black and white image)


range 0 255 pixel i j print pixels i image.putdata pixels image.save 'new.bmp' python image pixel share improve this question..

Scrapy image download how to use custom filename


' ' key self._mkdir os.path.dirname absolute_path info image.save absolute_path class ProjectPipeline ImagesPipeline def __init__..

Python PIL: how to write PNG image to string


just in memory import StringIO output StringIO.StringIO image.save output contents output.getvalue output.close This might lead..

Django upload image - From a form to Rackspace/S3 with no manipulation


file image f.resize 600 600 Image.ANTIALIAS o StringIO image.save o JPEG quality 80 image o.getvalue file_name s s id '600x600.jpeg'..

Saving Django model from Scrapy project


category book.save image Image name 'something' book book image.save return item However something weird happens and for the first.. book.save image Image name 'something' book book try image.save except image.save return item I don't know what I am doing wrong... Image name 'something' book book try image.save except image.save return item I don't know what I am doing wrong. Could someone..

Error while trying to save webcam picture with OpenCV
