

python Programming Glossary: image_file

How do I open an image from the internet in PIL?


urllib2 as urllib import io fd urllib.urlopen http a b c image_file io.BytesIO fd.read im Image.open image_file share improve..

ImageFont's getsize() does not get correct text size?


' pointsize' str fontsize ' trim' ' repage' 'label s' text image_file return p 0 Both methods create correct preview images most of.. ' pointsize' str fontsize ' trim' ' repage' 'label s' text image_file return p 0 If you need to fit text into specified canvas rather..

Django Inheritance and Permalinks


'gallery' 'gallery_id' self.id class FooImage FooSubitem image_file models.ImageField upload_to 'foogallery' These are simplifications..

Encoding an image file with base64


the lines of import base64 with open yourfile.ext rb as image_file encoded_string base64.b64encode image_file.read You have to.. rb as image_file encoded_string base64.b64encode image_file.read You have to open the file first of course and read it's..

Save image created via PIL to django model


StringIO.StringIO tempfile.save tempfile_io format 'JPEG' image_file InMemoryUploadedFile tempfile_io None 'rotate.jpg' 'image jpeg'.. None img Photo user user img.img.save 'rotate.jpg' image_file img.save I found the answer here How do you convert a PIL `Image`..

Python imaging library show() on Windows


True t.start link_queue.join image_data image_queue.get image_file image_url image_data 0 0 image_data 1 0 #get the first image.. first image downloaded and take a look image Image.open image_file image.show Unfortunately while the temporary file seems to load..