

python Programming Glossary: imageops

python captcha decoder library


adjust the file names. import sys from PIL import Image ImageOps PAT_SIZE 8 10 NUMS 3 FIRST_NUM_OFFSET 5 NUM_OFFSET 1 3 NUMBERS.. number d. i NUMBERS.append None def magic fname captcha ImageOps.grayscale Image.open fname im captcha.load # Split numbers num..

How do I draw text at an angle using python's PIL?


an image using PIL import Image import ImageFont ImageDraw ImageOps im Image.open stormy100.jpg f ImageFont.load_default txt Image.new.. font f fill 255 w txt.rotate 17.5 expand 1 im.paste ImageOps.colorize w 0 0 0 255 255 84 242 60 w share improve this answer..

Python Imaging: YCbCr problems


your numpy code because the sequence import Image import ImageOps import ImageChops c Image.open 'squished_levels.png' c PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile.. has squished levels for testing 77 182 d.getbands 'L' e ImageOps.equalize d e.getextrema 0 255 f e.convert 'RGB' g ImageChops.lighter..

How do I generate circular thumbnails with PIL?


And put that shape as an alpha layer from PIL import Image ImageOps mask Image.open 'mask.png' .convert 'L' im Image.open 'image.png'.. 'mask.png' .convert 'L' im Image.open 'image.png' output ImageOps.fit im mask.size centering 0.5 0.5 output.putalpha mask output.save.. use the ImageDraw and draw the mask. from PIL import Image ImageOps ImageDraw size 128 128 mask Image.new 'L' size 0 draw ImageDraw.Draw..

Resize image maintaining aspect ratio AND making portrait and landscape images exact same size?


fit. # usr bin env python from PIL import Image ImageChops ImageOps def makeThumb f_in f_out size 80 80 pad False image Image.open.. thumb ImageChops.offset thumb offset_x offset_y else thumb ImageOps.fit image size Image.ANTIALIAS 0.5 0.5 thumb.save f_out source..