

python Programming Glossary: images

How to remove convexity defects in a Sudoku square?


operation src ColorConvert Import http davemark.com images sudoku.jpg Grayscale white Closing src DiskMatrix 5 srcAdjusted.. to find the vertical and horizontal lines in two separate images lY ImageMultiply MorphologicalBinarize GaussianFilter srcAdjusted.. analysis again to extract the grid lines from these images. The grid lines are much longer than the digits so I can use..

What is different between all these OpenCV Python interfaces?


data types are preserved as such. For example when loaded images are of format cvMat same as in C . For array operations there.. c1 c2 r1 r2 . No need of separate functions. To add two images there isn't a need to call any function just do res img1 img2.. NumPy addition is a modulo operation for uint8 arrays like images. See the article Difference between Matrix Arithmetic in OpenCV..

How can I quantify difference between two images?


can I quantify difference between two images Here's what I would like to do I'm taking pictures with a webcam.. share improve this question General idea Load both images as arrays scipy.misc.imread and calculate an element wise difference... Questions You should answer these questions first Are images of the same shape and dimension If not you may need to resize..

Print in terminal with colors using Python?


Fortress emulate text mode in a graphical mode and use images of the classic PC font. You can find some of these bitmaps that..

Peak detection in a 2D array


np.loadtxt paws.txt .reshape 4 11 14 #getting a list of images paws p.squeeze for p in np.vsplit paws_data 4 def detect_peaks..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


KNearest and SVM features in OpenCV. I have 100 samples images of each digit. I would like to train with them. There is a sample..

Programming libraries! [closed]


pymsn MSN Messenger msnp MSN Messenger Twisted Network PIL Images gdmodule Images VideoCapture Images scipy Sciences and Maths.. msnp MSN Messenger Twisted Network PIL Images gdmodule Images VideoCapture Images scipy Sciences and Maths NumPy Sciences.. Twisted Network PIL Images gdmodule Images VideoCapture Images scipy Sciences and Maths NumPy Sciences and Maths numarray Sciences..

Homebrew + Python on mac os x 10.8: Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread importing mapnik


cr2 0x00007fff7bff7ff0 Logical CPU 0 Binary Images 0x102961000 0x102961fff org.python.python 2.7.3 2.7.3 62DA7BCA..

How to search internet with Python?


crawler scraper. What sorts of things do you want to pull Images Links Just the job for a web crawler scraper. Start there there..

Python crashing when running two commands (Segmentation Fault: 11)


Logical CPU 1 Error Code 0x00000004 Trap Number 14 Binary Images 0x100000000 0x100000fff org.python.python 2.7.5 2.7.5 29DAB82B..

Image library for Python 3


3 What is python 3 using instead of PIL for manipulating Images python image python 3.x python imaging library share improve..

Python PIL: how to make area transparent in PNG?


make area transparent in PNG I've been using PIL to crop Images now I also want to make certain rectangular areas transparent..

Extracting Embedded Images From Outlook Email


Embedded Images From Outlook Email I am using Microsoft's CDO Collaboration..

Placing Custom Images in a Plot Window--as custom data markers or to annotate those markers


Custom Images in a Plot Window as custom data markers or to annotate those..

Store jpg, gif, png, etc it gae-datastore


images If you have to manipulate the image you can use the Images API package. From the Overview of the Images API we can see.. can use the Images API package. From the Overview of the Images API we can see the following The service accepts image data..

How to detect motion between two PIL images? (wxPython webcam integration example included)


I created a class and implemented it into my code class Images def __init__ self image1 image2 threshold 98 grayscale True.. the line im Image.fromstring ... if self.image img compare.Images2 im self.image .DoComparison print img self.image im When I.. with three different methods to detect motion. class Images ~ The first attempt using some code I found while googling can't..

Convert HTML into PDF using Python


uri rel Callback to allow pisa reportlab to retrieve Images Stylesheets etc. `uri` is the href attribute from the html link..

Upload files in Google App Engine


App Egnine documentation. See an example on Uploading User Images . HTML code inside form form input type file name img Python..

PIL encoder jpeg not available [duplicate]


Failure in example try _info Image.open os.path.join ROOT Images lena.jpg except IOError v print v from line #24 of selftest.testimage..

matplotlib: limits when using plot and imshow in same axes


is autoscaling to match the extents of each item you plot. Images are autoscaled much tighter than lines etc imshow basically..