

python Programming Glossary: imagedraw.draw

Generating a 3D CAPTCHA [pic]


as axes3d sz 50 30 img Image.new 'L' sz 255 drw ImageDraw.Draw img font ImageFont.truetype arial.ttf 20 drw.text 5 3 'text'..

Serve a dynamically generated image with Django


data i randint 100 200 for i in range 0 300 10 draw ImageDraw.Draw img draw.polygon data fill #000000 # now what return HttpResponse..

PIL cut off letters


ImageFont im Image.new RGBA 1000 1000 'white' draw ImageDraw.Draw im start_y 7 text u' u00d1 u00d3yÅ» u00d4 gp u010c u0137' for..

fonts clipping with PIL


ImageDraw ImageFont im Image.new RGBA 200 200 'white' draw ImageDraw.Draw im font ImageFont.truetype VeraSe.ttf 12 draw.text 1 1 s ggjyfFwe__..

ImageFont's getsize() does not get correct text size?


text img Image.new 'RGBA' text_width text_height draw ImageDraw.Draw img draw.text 0 0 text font font fill 0 0 0 return True except..

My own OCR-program in Python


personal py ocr test.png regions find_regions im draw ImageDraw.Draw im for r in regions draw.rectangle r.box outline 255 0 0 del..

How do I draw text at an angle using python's PIL?


f ImageFont.load_default txt Image.new 'L' 500 50 d ImageDraw.Draw txt d.text 0 0 Someplace Near Boulder font f fill 255 w txt.rotate..

With the Python Imaging Library (PIL), how does one compose an image with an alpha channel over another image?


img1 Image.new 'RGBA' size 100 100 color 255 0 0 255 draw ImageDraw.Draw img1 draw.rectangle 33 0 66 100 fill 255 0 0 128 draw.rectangle.. img2 Image.new 'RGBA' size 100 100 color 0 255 0 255 draw ImageDraw.Draw img2 draw.rectangle 0 33 100 66 fill 0 255 0 128 draw.rectangle..

SciPy Create 2D Polygon Mask


y2 ... # width # height img Image.new 'L' width height 0 ImageDraw.Draw img .polygon polygon outline 1 fill 1 mask numpy.array img ..

Python: The _imagingft C module is not installed


ImageFont im Image.new 'RGB' 300 300 'white' draw ImageDraw.Draw im font ImageFont.truetype 'arial.ttf' 14 draw.text 100 100..

Python PIL: how to make area transparent in PNG?


50 80 100 200 mask Image.new 'L' im.size color 255 draw ImageDraw.Draw mask draw.rectangle transparent_area fill 0 im.putalpha mask..

Python PIL: How to draw an ellipse in the middle of an image?


to work import Image ImageDraw im Image.open 1.jpg draw ImageDraw.Draw im draw.ellipse 60 60 40 40 fill 128 del draw im.save 'output.png'.. for ellipse bbox x 2 eX 2 y 2 eY 2 x 2 eX 2 y 2 eY 2 draw ImageDraw.Draw im draw.ellipse bbox fill 128 del draw im.save output.png im.show..

Python Imaging Library - Text rendering


resources HelveticaNeueLight.ttf 25 d_usr ImageDraw.Draw image d_usr d_usr.text 105 280 Travis L. 0 0 0 font usr_font.. for example image Image.new RGBA 600 150 255 255 255 draw ImageDraw.Draw image font ImageFont.truetype resources HelveticaNeueLight.ttf..

why is my truetype font of size 11 rendering different than windows?


11 compimg Image.new RGB im.size 255 255 255 draw ImageDraw.Draw compimg draw.text 0 0 this is just a test 0 0 0 font pilfont..

python PIL draw multiline text on image


W H bg.size xo yo W w 2 H h 2 bg.paste y xo 0 xo w h draw ImageDraw.Draw bg draw.text w width 2 w text font font fill FOREGROUND bg.show..

How do I generate circular thumbnails with PIL?


ImageDraw size 128 128 mask Image.new 'L' size 0 draw ImageDraw.Draw mask draw.ellipse 0 0 size fill 255 im Image.open 'image.jpg'.. ImageDraw size 128 128 mask Image.new 'L' size 255 draw ImageDraw.Draw mask draw.ellipse 0 0 size fill 0 im Image.open 'image.jpg'..