

python Programming Glossary: image.fromarray

How to update image in tkinter label?


Negative Menu callback def onNeg self I2 255 self.I im Image.fromarray numpy.uint8 I2 photo2 ImageTk.PhotoImage im self.label2 Label.. onNeg self #Image Negative Menu callback I2 255 self.I im Image.fromarray np.uint8 I2 photo2 ImageTk.PhotoImage im self.label2.image photo2..

Downloading the first frame of a twitch.tv stream


imgdata capture.read 1 imgdata imgdata ... 1 # BGR RGB img Image.fromarray imgdata img.save 'frame.png' # img.show share improve this..

Image embossing in Python with PIL — adding depth, azimuth, etc


convert back to uint8 before converting to an image img2 Image.fromarray a2.astype 'uint8' img2.save 'daisy2.png' I hope this helps...

How to detect a Christmas Tree?


# Convert rgb image to monochrome for gryimg np.asarray Image.fromarray rgbimg .convert 'L' # Convert rgb image uint 0 255 to hsv float..

With the Python Imaging Library (PIL), how does one compose an image with an alpha channel over another image?


maps np.nan and np.inf to 0 out out.astype 'uint8' out Image.fromarray out 'RGBA' return out For example given these two images img1..

PIL and numpy


How to write PIL image filter for plain pgm format?


fname pgm pgm2pil fname if pgm is not None return Image.fromarray pgm return origImageOpen fname origImageOpen Image.open Image.open.. Convert 2D numpy array into PIL.Image object using PIL.Image.fromarray If you insist on using PIL.Image.open you could write a wrapper..

NumPy, PIL adding an image


im1 im2arr asarray im2 addition im1arr im2arr resultImage Image.fromarray addition resultImage.save ' Users rem7 Desktop a.jpg' and I..

Changing image hue with Python PIL


'RGBA' arr np.array np.asarray img .astype 'float' new_img Image.fromarray shift_hue arr hue 360. .astype 'uint8' 'RGBA' return new_img.. green_hue 180 78 360.0 red_hue 180 180 360.0 new_img Image.fromarray shift_hue arr red_hue .astype 'uint8' 'RGBA' new_img.save 'tweeter_red.png'.. 'uint8' 'RGBA' new_img.save 'tweeter_red.png' new_img Image.fromarray shift_hue arr green_hue .astype 'uint8' 'RGBA' new_img.save..

Convert RGBA PNG to RGB with PIL


0 g a 0 color 1 b a 0 color 2 x np.dstack r g b a return Image.fromarray x 'RGBA' def alpha_composite front back Alpha composite two.. np.nan and np.inf to 0 result result.astype 'uint8' result Image.fromarray result 'RGBA' return result def alpha_composite_with_color image..