

python Programming Glossary: image's

How to reduce color palette with PIL


color palette of a PIL Image. I would like to reduce an image's palette to the 5 prominent colors found in that image. My overall..

How to update image in tkinter label?


label. I can even resize window according to new loaded image's attributes but the new image is not displayed in tkinter label...

Resize image in Python without losing EXIF data


resize jpg images with Python without losing the original image's EXIF data metadata about date taken camera model etc. . All..

PyQT4: Drag and drop files into QListWidget


it's dropped a new item is added showing the image and image's file name. import sys import os from PyQt4 import QtGui QtCore..

Store jpg, gif, png, etc it gae-datastore


name filetype etc. needed for the files in addition to the image's binary data. You can see an example of this at Line 65 in the..

save an image with selenium & firefox


a website using selenium server python client. i know the image's URL but i can't find the code to save it either when it's the..

Python: Sending Multipart html emails which contain embedded images


'rb' msgImage MIMEImage fp.read fp.close # Define the image's ID as referenced above msgImage.add_header 'Content ID' ' image1..