

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitabbarcontroller's

UIView doesn't resize to full screen when hiding the nav bar & tab bar


To fix it I simply added the new fullscreen view in your case the view with all the text as a subview of the UITabBarController's view. self tabBarController view addSubview yourTextView Then all you need to do is make sure that your subview's frame..

Integrate Kal Calendar to My Tab Bar:


the tab bar view controllers items. If you are doing this in code instantiate the KalViewController and add it to the UITabBarController's items KalViewController kalVC KalViewController alloc init set your tab bar's items assuming you have a ref to the tab bar..

UIActionSheet cancel button strange behaviour


cancel button fails in that portion of the UIActionSheet that lies above the tabbar's view. If you instead pass in the UITabBarController's view then the UIActionSheet acts as expected. NOTE in iPhone OS 2.1 and earlier the UIActionSheet came up from the top of..

IPhone - UIView addSubview Gap at top


by an additional 20 pixels relative to its superview causing the gap you see. One clean way to fix this is add the UITabBarController's view as a subview of the window instead of a view UIApplication sharedApplication keyWindow addSubview tabbarController.view..

How to preserve iPhone application state before terminating the application?


applicationDidFinishLaunching implementation you'll check for the existence of that NSUserDefaults key and set the UITabBarController's selected index to the stored value if it exists. If you want to be able to restore for example the navigation stack of the..

Offset on UIWindow addSubview


frame to match the application frame automatically. As a result you'll notice a weird 20 pixel gap if you ever add a UITabBarController's view as a subview of anything other than the window. I guess Apple figured that initWithNibName bundle wouldn't typically..

My UITabBarController's didSelectViewController method is not getting called?


UITabBarController's didSelectViewController method is not getting called Here is my code stub for my app delegate.m it never gets called. void..

Is there a good UITabBarController Example?


a nutshell Create all of your respective UIViewController's and add them to an array. Then assign that array to your UITabBarController's viewControllers property. Then you can simply do something like window addSubview myTabBarController.view . I'm just copy..

UITabBarController's 'More' navigation controller disappears under UINavigationController


'More' navigation controller disappears under UINavigationController I am using a UITabBarController as well as a UINavigationController..

Show tab bar after its hidden


uitabbarcontroller share improve this question I've found quite a good pragmatic solution to this problem make the UITabBarController's view larger than it needs to be so that the actual UITabBar is clipped by the screen. Assuming that the tab bar view normally..

MPMoviewPlayerController fullscreen playback rotation with underlying UIViewController with portrait mode only (rotation disallowed)


1 Subclassed UITabBarController I did add property BOOL __allowRotation and if it is set to YES I do return YES in UITabBarController's shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation method. I'm listening for MPMoviePlayerDidEnterFullscreenNotification and MPMoviePlayerWillExitFullscreenNotification..

How In-Call status bar impacts UIViewController's view size ? (and how to handle it properly)


displayed. However I really don't know where to put such a view in the views hierarchy if I add it as a child of the UITabBarController's view as this one does not react to the incall status display mine does not react as well iphone uitabbarcontroller statusbar..

Hide UITabBar?


bar when entering those particular views. But I just couldn't figure out how to do it in a right way. I tried to set UITabBarController's tabBar hidden property to YES but it didn't work. And I as well tried to do the following thing in whatever view I am self.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed..