

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uiscrollviewdelegate

UIScrollView with “Circular” scrolling


the first element to the end and adjust the content offset to view the first element like this E A B C D E A . In the UIScrollViewDelegate check if the user reach any of the ends and move the offset without animation to the other end. Imagine the indicates the..

UIScrollView ImageView with pins on top


your view controller MyViewController. #import QuartzCore QuartzCore.h @interface MyViewController UIViewController UIScrollViewDelegate @property retain UIScrollView scrollView @property retain UIImageView imageView and so on @implementation MyViewController..

iphone: secure restfull server "The certificate for this server is invalid


or any step missing. using following code RegisterUser.f @interface RegisterUser UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate UIScrollViewDelegate NSURLConnectionDelegate RegisterUser.m IBAction SubmitBtnAction id sender NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ https xx.xx.xx.xxx..

motionBegan: Not Working


NSLog @ First Responder d self isFirstResponder Second Example .h class inherited from UIApplicationDelegate and UIScrollViewDelegate #import UIKit UIKit.h @class TestApplicationViewController @interface TestApplicationAppDelegate NSObject UIApplicationDelegate.. UIKit.h @class TestApplicationViewController @interface TestApplicationAppDelegate NSObject UIApplicationDelegate UIScrollViewDelegate IBOutlet UIWindow window IBOutlet UIScrollView scrollView Second Example .m void applicationDidFinishLaunching UIApplication..

Detecting UITableView scrolling


uitableview share improve this question You don't need to intercept the event methods. Check the docs for the UIScrollViewDelegate protocol and implement the scrollViewDidScroll or scrollViewWillBeginDragging methods as appropriate to your situation...

ScrollOffset in UIWebView?


it I already using UIWebviewDelegate in my view controller to shouldStartLoadWithRequest . Maybe I could some how use UIScrollViewDelegate too for scrollViewDidScroll If yes then how I really have trouble understanding delegates. I've red some articles but still..

UIScrollView touchesBegan


touchesBegan So all I wanna do is play a sound when the user touches a UIScrollView. The UIScrollViewDelegate has that scrollViewWillBeginDragging method but it only gets called on touchMoved. I want it to get called on touchBegan...

UIScroll View Delegate not calling ScrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation


View Delegate not calling ScrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation I have implemented the UIScrollViewDelegate protocol in my .h file and i have implemented the void scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation UIScrollView scrollView method..

iPhone - How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images?


UIImage imageWithCGImage imageRef CGImageRelease imageRef return croppedImage ... @end I've implemented a few of the UIScrollViewDelegate methods and pass through scrolling activity so I can keep my cropping view in sync. Zooming is passed along too but as mentioned..

How to implement a cyclic UIScrollView?


time you have a left view a right view and a current view. This requires notification of each movement through the UIScrollViewDelegate. If you detect that you moved right you free left make left current current right and make a new right. If you detect that..

How to enable zoom in UIScrollView


UIScrollView iphone uiscrollview share improve this question Have a look at this video Description from video Add UIScrollViewDelegate delegate Take a UIScrollView Take a UIImageView which is going to be added on Scrollview Put the scroll view in Main Window..

iPhone UIScrollView Speed Check


or decelerating iphone scrolling uiscrollview scroll share improve this question Have these properties on your UIScrollViewDelegate CGPoint lastOffset NSTimeInterval lastOffsetCapture BOOL isScrollingFast Then have this code for your scrollViewDidScroll..

iOS - How to limit the MapView to a specific region?


google. LimitedMapView.h #import Foundation Foundation.h #import MapKit MapKit.h @interface LimitedMapView MKMapView UIScrollViewDelegate @property nonatomic assign CLLocationCoordinate2D topLeftCoordinate @property nonatomic assign CLLocationCoordinate2D bottomRightCoordinate.. but is more complex I'm currently using this successfully for another need is to subclass MKMapView and override UIScrollViewDelegate protocol. If you do that make sure to call super implementation like that void scrollViewWillBeginDragging UIScrollView..

Change Default Scrolling Behavior of UITableView Section Header


this problem is to adjust the contentOffset according to the contentInset in the UITableViewControllerDelegate extends UIScrollViewDelegate like this void scrollViewDidScroll UIScrollView scrollView CGFloat sectionHeaderHeight 40 if scrollView.contentOffset.y..

How do I add a scrollable/zoomable image into the MainView.xib of a Utility Based iPhone Application


code #import FlipsideViewController.h @interface MainViewController UIViewController FlipsideViewControllerDelegate UIScrollViewDelegate Both of these iVars are unnecessary with or without ARC IBOutlet UIScrollView scrollView IBOutlet UIImageView demoImageView.. extension message. Also notice this line in the void viewDidLoad method scrollView.delegate self This is why we put UIScrollViewDelegate in a pair of these in the .h file because we need to announce to the compiler that we want to conform to the UIScrollViewDelegate.. in a pair of these in the .h file because we need to announce to the compiler that we want to conform to the UIScrollViewDelegate protocol. And finally hook up those IBOutlets Please Please hook up the view one first if it isn't already there. It's a..

How to detect when a UIScrollView has finished scrolling


to detect when a UIScrollView has finished scrolling UIScrollViewDelegate has got two delegate methods scrollViewDidScroll and scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation but neither of these tell you when..