

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uiprintinteractioncontroller

How to print in iOS 4.2?


and HTML are easier. I took Apple's example for HTML and changed it for plain text IBAction printContent id sender UIPrintInteractionController pic UIPrintInteractionController sharedPrintController pic.delegate self UIPrintInfo printInfo UIPrintInfo printInfo printInfo.outputType.. example for HTML and changed it for plain text IBAction printContent id sender UIPrintInteractionController pic UIPrintInteractionController sharedPrintController pic.delegate self UIPrintInfo printInfo UIPrintInfo printInfo printInfo.outputType UIPrintInfoOutputGeneral.. 6 72.0 pic.printFormatter textFormatter textFormatter release pic.showsPageRange YES void ^completionHandler UIPrintInteractionController BOOL NSError ^ UIPrintInteractionController printController BOOL completed NSError error if completed error NSLog @ Printing..

iOS 4.2 - Printing DOC, PPT, XLS, etc. with Apple AirPrint?


my code internalWebView loadData printContent objectAtIndex 0 data MIMEType mimeType textEncodingName nil baseURL nil UIPrintInteractionController pic UIPrintInteractionController sharedPrintController pic.delegate self UIPrintInfo printInfo UIPrintInfo printInfo printInfo.outputType.. printContent objectAtIndex 0 data MIMEType mimeType textEncodingName nil baseURL nil UIPrintInteractionController pic UIPrintInteractionController sharedPrintController pic.delegate self UIPrintInfo printInfo UIPrintInfo printInfo printInfo.outputType UIPrintInfoOutputGeneral.. printInfo pic.printFormatter internalWebView viewPrintFormatter pic.showsPageRange YES void ^completionHandler UIPrintInteractionController BOOL NSError ^ UIPrintInteractionController printController BOOL completed NSError error if completed error NSLog @ Printing..

Objective-C code for AirPrint


in objective c iphone cocoa touch printing share improve this question Check whether printing is available if UIPrintInteractionController isPrintingAvailable Available else Not Available Print after button click IBAction buttonClicked id sender NSMutableString.. stringWithFormat @ @ @ self.encoded.text self.decoded.text printBody appendFormat @ n n n nPrinted From myapp UIPrintInteractionController pic UIPrintInteractionController sharedPrintController pic.delegate self UIPrintInfo printInfo UIPrintInfo printInfo printInfo.outputType.. self.decoded.text printBody appendFormat @ n n n nPrinted From myapp UIPrintInteractionController pic UIPrintInteractionController sharedPrintController pic.delegate self UIPrintInfo printInfo UIPrintInfo printInfo printInfo.outputType UIPrintInfoOutputGeneral..