

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uisplitviewcontroller

Universal iPhone/iPad application debug compilation error for iPhone testing


I tried to run on the device and as it begins to run I get the following error dyld Symbol not found _OBJC_CLASS_ _UISplitViewController Referenced from var mobile Applications 9770ACFA 0B88 41D4 AF56 77B66B324640 Test.app Test Expected in System Library Frameworks.. is being triggered because you didn't weak link the UIKit framework. The UIKit framework in iPhone OS 3.2 added the UISplitViewController and if you link it in as normal your application will assume those symbols exist on 3.0 where they don't. To weak link a..

iPhoneOS SDK - Remove Corner Rounding from views (iPad problem)


level 2 for UIView subview in aView subviews self explode subview level level 1 In your DetailViewController of the UISplitViewController add void didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation fromInterfaceOrientation yourAppDelegate performSelector..

How to restrict my app to landscape mode?


when starting the app when the device is in landscape won't work . The real problem seems to be that in iOS4.2GM UISplitViewController needs all its controllers have all rotations to be available at its load time. So is necessary to trick him so it loads.. ARROUND Bug ID# 8620135. super viewDidAppear animated IMPORTANT NOTE Please note that this bug only appears when the UISplitViewController is loaded and not everytime the its view appears. Hence to see this bug make sure the app was terminated before. iphone..

Best way to switch between UISplitViewController and other view controllers?


way to switch between UISplitViewController and other view controllers I'm authoring an iPad app. One of the screens in the app is perfectly suited to using a UISplitViewController... and other view controllers I'm authoring an iPad app. One of the screens in the app is perfectly suited to using a UISplitViewController. However the top level of the app is a main menu which I don't want to use a UISplitViewController for. This presents a.. suited to using a UISplitViewController. However the top level of the app is a main menu which I don't want to use a UISplitViewController for. This presents a problem because Apple state that a UISplitViewController should be the top level view controller in..

Forcing an iPad app to show splitView even in Portrait orientation(Like the Settings iPad app)


a splitView based iPad app that displays the split interface in every orientation. I have tried subclassing the UISplitViewController class as given in this tutorial but it doesn't work. I tried creating a category to set _hidesMasterViewInPortrait hidden..

splitViewController with Two NavigationController linking protocols


stringWithFormat @ @ self.parentViewController.parentViewController self.parentViewController.parentViewController UISplitViewController 0x4e0d0f0 Thank you for your assistance. This problem is consuming my life I uploaded a sample project that clearly shows..

Switch between UIViewControllers using UISegmentedControl


using controller.view.frame CGRectMake x y width height EDIT 2 In response to tc.'s comment From the documentation of UISplitViewController Message Forwarding to Its Child View Controllers A split view controller interposes itself between the application ™s window..

Am I abusing UIViewController Subclassing?


The advice that a view controller manages an entire screenful of content is no longer completely accurate just as UISplitViewController has displayed content from two view controllers simultaneously ever since the introduction of the iPad your own containers..

How to hide & unhide Master View Controller in SplitView Controller


view based project in my XCode 4.2 Then in DetailViewController.m file i have add this method BOOL splitViewController UISplitViewController svc shouldHideViewController UIViewController vc inOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation orientation This method is only available.. i do this iphone ipad ios5 customization uisplitviewcontroller share improve this question 'setNeedsLayout' makes UISplitViewController to ask for shouldHideViewController IBAction hideUnhide id sender UISplitViewController spv ... self.hideMaster self.hideMaster..

how can i add splitview to my viewbased app in ipad coding


more view controller which display details write the below code in master controller implementing code like in .h page UISplitViewController splitViewController @property nonatomic retain IBOutlet LeftViewController left @property nonatomic retain IBOutlet DetailViewController.. rightNav UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController right left.detail right splitViewController UISplitViewController alloc init splitViewController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects leftNav rightNav nil splitViewController.delegate..

iPhoneOS SDK - Remove Corner Rounding from views (iPad problem)


to Its surely possible. Hopefully some one has seen this before. Thanks Image Link Mirror iphone ipad rounded corners uisplitviewcontroller share improve this question Add the following to your app delegate void fixRoundedSplitViewCorner self explode UIApplication..

UISplitViewController and complex view hierarchy


seem to have programmed an entire custom view transition set. Help would be greatly appreciated. iphone ipad uikit uisplitviewcontroller share improve this question Apple states The split view controller ™s view should always be installed as the root view..

How do I make a universal iPhone / iPad application that programmatically uses UISplitViewController and UINavigationController?


Can please someone put me in the right direction remembering that I am not using any xibs iphone cocoa touch ipad uisplitviewcontroller share improve this question If you want to see an example of a completely programmatic iPhone iPad interface that uses..

Best way to switch between UISplitViewController and other view controllers?


But what other choice have they given me Would they know that I'm doing this anyway iphone ipad user interface uisplitviewcontroller appstore approval share improve this question Touche Ran in to the same issue and solved it the same way using modals...

splitViewController with Two NavigationController linking protocols


I uploaded a sample project that clearly shows my dilemma which can be found here iphone ipad uinavigationcontroller uisplitviewcontroller ipad splitview share improve this question Ok I know am very late for answer but this answer is I think perfect and..

SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone


want ideas on how to do this because I cannot figure it out myself. Thanks iphone objective c uinavigationcontroller uisplitviewcontroller tableview share improve this question Facebook guys have done brilliant job in the new version of the app. The similar..

How to hide & unhide Master View Controller in SplitView Controller


Landscape Mode. IBAction hideUnhide id sender How can hide unhide How can i do this iphone ipad ios5 customization uisplitviewcontroller share improve this question 'setNeedsLayout' makes UISplitViewController to ask for shouldHideViewController IBAction..

how can i add splitview to my viewbased app in ipad coding


YES for supported orientations return YES where do i implement code Thanks in advance. iphone objective c ios ipad uisplitviewcontroller share improve this question As i know about split view controller you have to create new split View based app or you..