

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uisegmentcontrol

How do I use a UISegmentedControl to switch views?


on how it can be done definitely not an optimized way to handle the views but just to demonstrate how you can use the UISegmentControl to toggle the visible view IBAction segmentSwitch id sender UISegmentedControl segmentedControl UISegmentedControl sender..

setting background image of UISegmentedControl


Here's a screenshot of my problem iphone objective c ios ipad uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question UISegmentControl has a Divider between two segments. By using the following code you can change the divider background. segmentedCtrl setDividerImage..

Unable to pushViewController for subview


for subview I have a UINavigationController and I have seperate UIViews that I switch between using a UISegmentControl. On switching the views I add the view as a subview to my navigation controller's view self.view addSubview segmentTab1.view..

UISegmentedControl selected segment color


share improve this question I found A Simple Way to Add Color for Selected Segment in UISegmentcontrol sender is UISegmentControl for int i 0 i sender.subviews count i if sender.subviews objectAtIndex i isSelected UIColor tintcolor UIColor colorWithRed..

How to customize UISwitch button in iphone?


You can not modify UISwitch control unless and until you write your own control But best way so far you can used UISegmentControl and handle event on it to switch the on.png and off.png images. UISegmentedControl switchView UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems..

How to add UISegmentControl in UINavigationItem ..?


to add UISegmentControl in UINavigationItem .. Everybody . How to add UISegmentControl in UINavigationItem .. I want to create UINavigationBar.. to add UISegmentControl in UINavigationItem .. Everybody . How to add UISegmentControl in UINavigationItem .. I want to create UINavigationBar with segment control which add in title of navigation bar.. segment..

How to change UISegmentcontrol font and selected segment colour? [duplicate]


selected segment color UISegmentcontrol appearances causing issues Hi i will like to change the default UISegmentControl font to a custom font and change the selected segment color to another color instead of a darker color. thanks from this..

Multiline Text On UIsegment Control


Text On UIsegment Control I have a UISegmentControl with default style White . I want to add text on it. But the text that i want to put on it is a long text. I have to show..