

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uiscrollviews

Nested UISCrollViews - Preventing Parent Scrollview from scrolling when zoomed on child


improve this question I will post my answer that I got to work to help others out. One easy way to handle nested UIScrollViews is to share the same delegate. This way when you detect one UIScrollView scrolling you can easily share controller logic..

Handling touch events within a child UIScrollView


within its own UIScrollview which are then the subviews of the parent UIScrollView. So I basically have a row of UIScrollViews within a parent UIScrollView. The parent UIScrollView has paging enabled so I can scroll from page to page without any problems...

UIScrollView and Cocos2D


forum topic 9417 Both of them are an excellent read and highly recommended to get a deeper understanding about how UIScrollViews and UIViews in general can be made to handle touches in cooperation with Cocos2D. However upon implementing these solutions..

Connect two UIScrollView's together


two UIScrollView's together Here's a tricky iPhone problem I've been working on. I have three UIScrollViews on a page one that only scrolls horizontally one that only scrolls vertically and one that scrolls both horizontally and..

How to steal touches from UIScrollView?


I also tried one last thing before returning to my regular work. During my extensive googling I read that nested UIScrollViews just magically worked since 3.x so I tried putting my picker view inside a nested UIScrollView and set the following properties..

how to implement my own zooming but still have access to the UIScrollView's scrolling?


myself. My current plan is to have a viewController that owns a UIView I'll call it view1 with multiple UIViews and UIScrollViews as children. Is it possible for view1 to handle all multi touch events in order to manually render all his children's zoomed..

UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?


There are 2 possible strategies. I don't know which one will work is easier to implement so try both. First nested UIScrollViews. Frankly I'm yet to see a person who has got this to work. However I have not tried hard enough personally and my practise.. behave that way It looks like disabling vertical scrolling and setting delaysContentTouches to NO should make nested UIScrollViews to work. Unfortunately it does not UIScrollView appears to do some additional filtering for fast motions which cannot be.. implementation would protect against touchesXxx reentry. Second strategy If due to some reason nested UIScrollViews do not work out or prove too hard to get right you can try to get along with just one UIScrollView switching its pagingEnabled..

scrollToTop is not working on iPhone but it is working on iPad


window _window iphone objective c uiscrollview share improve this question From what I understand you have 2 UIScrollViews simultaneously on screen. From what I have seen experienced On iOS 4 having 2 UIScrollViews side by side gives undefined.. I understand you have 2 UIScrollViews simultaneously on screen. From what I have seen experienced On iOS 4 having 2 UIScrollViews side by side gives undefined behaviour. One of the scrollview may scroll sometimes other sometimes neither. On iOS 5 if.. gives undefined behaviour. One of the scrollview may scroll sometimes other sometimes neither. On iOS 5 if you have 2 UIScrollViews side by side then tapping on status bar scrolls to top the UIScrollView right under your tap I don't know how this works..