

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitabbar

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


for what needs it. Note the UIView or UIScrollView that I'm working with is brought up by a tabbar UITabBar which needs to function as normal. Edit I am adding the scroll bar just for when the keyboard comes..

Autorotate in iOS 6 has strange behaviour


in iOS 6 has strange behaviour I have UITabBarController app which plays video and shows other information in other UITabBar tabs. In iOS 6 UIView.. behaviour I have UITabBarController app which plays video and shows other information in other UITabBar tabs. In iOS 6 UIView rotation methods have been deprecated and now I need to use shouldAutoRotate and..

How to hide uitabbarcontroller


to hide uitabbarcontroller I have a problem with UITabBarController. In my application i want to hide it but without using hidesBottomBarWhenPushed because I.. Method call self hideTabBar self.tabBarController Method implementations void hideTabBar UITabBarController tabbarcontroller UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.5 for.. setAnimationDuration 0.5 for UIView view in tabbarcontroller.view.subviews if view isKindOfClass UITabBar class view setFrame CGRectMake view.frame.origin.x 480 view.frame.size.width view.frame.size.height..

Changing Tint / Background color of UITabBar


Tint Background color of UITabBar The UINavigationBar and UISearchBar both have a tintColor property that allows you to change the tint.. change the tint color surprising I know of both of those items. I want to do the same thing to the UITabBar in my application but have found now way to change it from the default black color. Any ideas iphone.. share improve this question I have been able to make it work by subclassing a UITabBarController and using private classes @interface UITabBarController private UITabBar tabBar @end @implementation..

Custom colors in UITabBar


colors in UITabBar Is it possible to use custom colors and background images in a UITabBar I realize that Apple would.. colors in UITabBar Is it possible to use custom colors and background images in a UITabBar I realize that Apple would like everyone to use the same blue and gray tab bars but is there any way.. I found an answer to this at Silent Mac Design . I implemented this way First make a subclass of UITabBarContoller CustomUITabBarController.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface CustomUITabBarController UITabBarController..

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


be done in Interface Builder. I'd like to only write code for what needs it. Note the UIView or UIScrollView that I'm working with is brought up by a tabbar UITabBar which needs to function as normal. Edit I am adding the scroll bar just for when the keyboard comes up. Even though it's not needed I feel like it provides a better..

Autorotate in iOS 6 has strange behaviour


in iOS 6 has strange behaviour I have UITabBarController app which plays video and shows other information in other UITabBar tabs. In iOS 6 UIView rotation methods have been deprecated and now I need to use.. in iOS 6 has strange behaviour I have UITabBarController app which plays video and shows other information in other UITabBar tabs. In iOS 6 UIView rotation methods have been deprecated and now I need to use shouldAutoRotate and supportedInterfaceOrientations methods. For video playing..

How to hide uitabbarcontroller


to hide uitabbarcontroller I have a problem with UITabBarController. In my application i want to hide it but without using hidesBottomBarWhenPushed because I want to hide it not when i pushed it. For Example i want to.. just pass tabbarcontroller instance to these functions.. Method call self hideTabBar self.tabBarController Method implementations void hideTabBar UITabBarController tabbarcontroller UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.5 for UIView view in tabbarcontroller.view.subviews if view isKindOfClass.. UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.5 for UIView view in tabbarcontroller.view.subviews if view isKindOfClass UITabBar class view setFrame CGRectMake view.frame.origin.x 480 view.frame.size.width view.frame.size.height else view setFrame CGRectMake view.frame.origin.x view.frame.origin.y..

Changing Tint / Background color of UITabBar


Tint Background color of UITabBar The UINavigationBar and UISearchBar both have a tintColor property that allows you to change the tint color surprising I know of both of those items. I want to.. both have a tintColor property that allows you to change the tint color surprising I know of both of those items. I want to do the same thing to the UITabBar in my application but have found now way to change it from the default black color. Any ideas iphone uitabbarcontroller share improve this question I have.. change it from the default black color. Any ideas iphone uitabbarcontroller share improve this question I have been able to make it work by subclassing a UITabBarController and using private classes @interface UITabBarController private UITabBar tabBar @end @implementation CustomUITabBarController void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad..

Custom colors in UITabBar


colors in UITabBar Is it possible to use custom colors and background images in a UITabBar I realize that Apple would like everyone to use the same blue and gray tab bars but is.. colors in UITabBar Is it possible to use custom colors and background images in a UITabBar I realize that Apple would like everyone to use the same blue and gray tab bars but is there any way to customize this Second even I were to create my own TabBar.. iphone objective c share improve this question I found an answer to this at Silent Mac Design . I implemented this way First make a subclass of UITabBarContoller CustomUITabBarController.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface CustomUITabBarController UITabBarController IBOutlet UITabBar tabBar1 @property nonatomic retain..

iOS custom tabbar


I did UIImage selectedImage0 UIImage imageNamed @ first.png UIImage unselectedImage0 UIImage imageNamed @ second.png UITabBar tabBar self.tabBarController.tabBar UITabBarItem item0 tabBar.items objectAtIndex 0 item0 setFinishedSelectedImage selectedImage0.. @ first.png UIImage unselectedImage0 UIImage imageNamed @ second.png UITabBar tabBar self.tabBarController.tabBar UITabBarItem item0 tabBar.items objectAtIndex 0 item0 setFinishedSelectedImage selectedImage0 withFinishedUnselectedImage unselectedImage0.. viewController2 SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self.tabBarController UITabBarController alloc init self.tabBarController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects viewController1 viewController2 nil..

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


to only write code for what needs it. Note the UIView or UIScrollView that I'm working with is brought up by a tabbar UITabBar which needs to function as normal. Edit I am adding the scroll bar just for when the keyboard comes up. Even though it's..

Is it possible to hide the tabbar when a button is pressed to allow a full screen view of the content?


it possible to hide the tabbar when a button is pressed to allow a full screen view of the content I have a UITabBar in the detail view of my navigation based application. I am storing text and images in a tableview and would like the user..

Autorotate in iOS 6 has strange behaviour


in iOS 6 has strange behaviour I have UITabBarController app which plays video and shows other information in other UITabBar tabs. In iOS 6 UIView rotation methods have.. in iOS 6 has strange behaviour I have UITabBarController app which plays video and shows other information in other UITabBar tabs. In iOS 6 UIView rotation methods have been deprecated and now I need to use shouldAutoRotate and supportedInterfaceOrientations..

Autorotate a single UIViewController in iOS 6 with UITabBar


a single UIViewController in iOS 6 with UITabBar I have an app that work only in Portrait Mode but there is a singleView that can display video so i want that view work.. ios6 landscape portrait share improve this question Firstly your target settings should look like this In UITabBarController BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation You do not need this method..

Preventing a UITabBar from applying a gradient to its icon images


a UITabBar from applying a gradient to its icon images When I make icons for a UITabBar it applies a gradient to the images. I need.. a UITabBar from applying a gradient to its icon images When I make icons for a UITabBar it applies a gradient to the images. I need to know how to prevent it from having this gradient. iphone uitabbar uitabbaritem.. Prior to this it was a huge hack and not recommended. Here's how to do a completely custom tab bar custom icons UITabBarItem item UITabBarItem alloc init item.title @ foo setting custom images prevents the OS from applying a tint color item..

Really cool way to create custom UITabBar for iPhone app?


cool way to create custom UITabBar for iPhone app I am doing a lot of researching lately about how to get a different looking with nice effects UITabBar on.. UITabBar for iPhone app I am doing a lot of researching lately about how to get a different looking with nice effects UITabBar on my iPhone app but unfortunately I am only finding things on how to replace background color etc. Well I've checked out.. for the tabBar At this point after some research I am able to set the height and background image by subclassing UITabBarController but I'm still not sure on how to accomplish the other items specially the first one related to the nice arrow..

How to hide uitabbarcontroller


to hide uitabbarcontroller I have a problem with UITabBarController. In my application i want to hide it but without using hidesBottomBarWhenPushed because I want to hide it not.. to these functions.. Method call self hideTabBar self.tabBarController Method implementations void hideTabBar UITabBarController tabbarcontroller UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.5 for UIView view in tabbarcontroller.view.subviews.. context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.5 for UIView view in tabbarcontroller.view.subviews if view isKindOfClass UITabBar class view setFrame CGRectMake view.frame.origin.x 480 view.frame.size.width view.frame.size.height else view setFrame..

Changing Tint / Background color of UITabBar


Tint Background color of UITabBar The UINavigationBar and UISearchBar both have a tintColor property that allows you to change the tint color surprising.. that allows you to change the tint color surprising I know of both of those items. I want to do the same thing to the UITabBar in my application but have found now way to change it from the default black color. Any ideas iphone uitabbarcontroller.. Any ideas iphone uitabbarcontroller share improve this question I have been able to make it work by subclassing a UITabBarController and using private classes @interface UITabBarController private UITabBar tabBar @end @implementation CustomUITabBarController..

Custom colors in UITabBar


colors in UITabBar Is it possible to use custom colors and background images in a UITabBar I realize that Apple would like everyone to use.. colors in UITabBar Is it possible to use custom colors and background images in a UITabBar I realize that Apple would like everyone to use the same blue and gray tab bars but is there any way to customize this Second.. this question I found an answer to this at Silent Mac Design . I implemented this way First make a subclass of UITabBarContoller CustomUITabBarController.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface CustomUITabBarController UITabBarController IBOutlet..

Hiding UITabBar when pushing a UIView


UITabBar when pushing a UIView I have a UITabBarController where the default view controller is a UINavigationController . I want.. UITabBar when pushing a UIView I have a UITabBarController where the default view controller is a UINavigationController . I want to be able to hide the UITabBar of the.. a UITabBarController where the default view controller is a UINavigationController . I want to be able to hide the UITabBar of the UITabBarController when I push a certain view in the UINavigationController . I've tried adding delegate.tabBarController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed..

hiding TabBar when rotating iPhone device to landscape


this problem properly. If anyone has been around this issue i would appreciate some help. thank you Sami. iphone uitabbarcontroller rotation uitabbar tabbarcontroller share improve this question This worked for me. void viewDidLoad super.. If anyone has been around this issue i would appreciate some help. thank you Sami. iphone uitabbarcontroller rotation uitabbar tabbarcontroller share improve this question This worked for me. void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad previousRect self.view.frame..

remove uitabbar controller [closed]


uitabbar controller closed I am new to iPhone development my problem is that I have a UITabbar in my app. It will display after..

Preventing a UITabBar from applying a gradient to its icon images


a UITabBar it applies a gradient to the images. I need to know how to prevent it from having this gradient. iphone uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Apple added tab bar customization in iOS 5 and now this kind of stuff is trivial... it applies a gradient to the images. I need to know how to prevent it from having this gradient. iphone uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Apple added tab bar customization in iOS 5 and now this kind of stuff is trivial. Prior..

Tabbar in Second View


self.tabBarController appDelegate.window makeKeyAndVisible iphone objective c ios uitabbar share improve this question Hey make your tabBarController's property in appDelegate and assign all ViewController there..

Making a thinner UITabBar


settable in the .xib or programmatically. Will I have to subclass the UITabBar and roll my own iphone objective c uitabbar subclassing share improve this question Roll your own. I'm sure Tweetie 2's is custom and the height is set in the handed..

Programmatically pressing a UITabBar button in Xcode


for the tab . Any help would be greatly appreciated. Dave iphone objective c cocoa touch uinavigationcontroller uitabbar share improve this question myTabBarController setSelectedIndex index EDIT Answering the part 2 question from the comment..

How to add “more” button to Tab Bar?


a more button but is there a way to manually invoke this with the editing capabilities Thanks. iphone objective c uitabbarcontroller uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question You do not have to manually create a More... button. Simply.. is there a way to manually invoke this with the editing capabilities Thanks. iphone objective c uitabbarcontroller uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question You do not have to manually create a More... button. Simply add all of the.. a way to manually invoke this with the editing capabilities Thanks. iphone objective c uitabbarcontroller uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question You do not have to manually create a More... button. Simply add all of the View Controllers..

How to set the Tab bar item 1 to be selected by default in iphone?


added the the tab bar in interface builder.Can i do any thing in interface builder Please help me out.Thanks. iphone uitabbar default selected share improve this question tabBar setSelectedItem tabBar.items objectAtIndex item.tag share improve..

Changing font size of tabbaritem


font size of tabbaritem Is it possible to change the font size of tabs iphone ios cocoa touch uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Sorry there's no way to do this. If you're desperate you'll need to write your.. font size of tabbaritem Is it possible to change the font size of tabs iphone ios cocoa touch uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Sorry there's no way to do this. If you're desperate you'll need to write your own tab..

UITabBar funcionality without UITabBarController


one of the table view the UITabBar disappears. Any help will be apreciated. iphone xcode uinavigationcontroller uitabbar share improve this question Now that you are not using a TabBarController for showing the tableviews as mentioned in..

Is there a way to use a custom selected image for UITabBarItem?


it selects as blue like but would like to have a green color instead. something like below any thoughts iphone uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Just found my solution. Basically I subclassed UITabItem and set this in the.. selects as blue like but would like to have a green color instead. something like below any thoughts iphone uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Just found my solution. Basically I subclassed UITabItem and set this in the navigation..

Setting text-color on selected tab bar item


four tabs on the selected tab I need to set the color red for tab title. How can i do that Thanks in advance. iphone uitabbar share improve this question If I understand your question correctly you want to customize the color of the text on the..

Really cool way to create custom UITabBar for iPhone app?


iOS so if you could help me on that it would be really appreciated Thanks a lot in advance iphone ios customization uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Check out iDevReceipes they have a pretty simple and good looking solution... if you could help me on that it would be really appreciated Thanks a lot in advance iphone ios customization uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Check out iDevReceipes they have a pretty simple and good looking solution. Might not..

how can i create custom tab bar …add custom images in tab bar (without xib changes)


how can i create tabbar with diffrent colors and also with different images..this tabbar has navigation view. iphone uitabbar share improve this question i got the answer .... h file code ... @interface CustomTabBarController UITabBarController..

iPhone: How can I build my own TabBar?


my main view controller in the right way taking into account memory and best practices for subviews iphone ios uiview uitabbarcontroller uitabbar share improve this question As I've stated elsewhere it's almost never a good idea to get rid of.. in the right way taking into account memory and best practices for subviews iphone ios uiview uitabbarcontroller uitabbar share improve this question As I've stated elsewhere it's almost never a good idea to get rid of the core navigational..

Show UITabBar when UIViewController pushed


show the UITabBar when a controller is pushed once it's been hidden Thanks in advance iphone uinavigationcontroller uitabbar show drilldown share improve this question Okay here have we an awfully long way to go. As you read from the document..

Programmatically Setting UITabBar Titles


how to do this programtically. Where to write the line so that i get this 3 name in my tabbar iphone cocoa touch ios uitabbar share improve this question Try this way... NSMutableArray controllers NSMutableArray alloc init FirstViewController..

How to change the Color of text in UITabBarItem in iOS 5


UIFont fontWithName @ Rok size 0.0 UITextAttributeFont nil forState UIControlStateNormal iphone ios xcode uitabbarcontroller uitabbar share improve this question Do you mean this one Keep in mind this only works for iOS5.0 or later... @ Rok size 0.0 UITextAttributeFont nil forState UIControlStateNormal iphone ios xcode uitabbarcontroller uitabbar share improve this question Do you mean this one Keep in mind this only works for iOS5.0 or later. if self.tabBarItem..

Is possible to scroll an UITabBar?


in UITabBar If it's possible how can i do that please provide some sample code or reference. iphone c design uitabbar share improve this question Yes possible. but not using usual UITabbar . you have to create custom tabbar that behave..

Display XIB before UITabBarController?


the login view modally both of the views are displayed the login view and the tabbar view. iphone ios xcode uitabbar share improve this question You could set first the loginViewController as rootViewController of your main window then..

remove uitabbar controller [closed]


uitabbar controller closed I am new to iPhone development my problem is that I have a UITabbar in my app. It will display after sign in. when I want to log out from my app want to go back to the sign in view controller..

how to change UITabbar selected color?


to change UITabbar selected color according to this post for now Is apple will also reject this code and how to implement what apple will..

iPhone: UITabBar custom image doesn't work


view my custom Tabbar image in the background of Tabbar. I tried debugging it but it is not calling to this function UITabbar at all but the same time it calls UINavigationBar well and works. Is this function UITabbar not there or can't use in iOS.. calling to this function UITabbar at all but the same time it calls UINavigationBar well and works. Is this function UITabbar not there or can't use in iOS 4.0 @implementation UITabBar CustomImage void drawRect CGRect rect UIImage image UIImage imageNamed..

UITabbar orientation problem


orientation problem I am working on orientation work on uitabbar application. I am using 5 tabbar item in tabbar. I want..

How can i add my UINavigationController and my Tabbar to UIAddressBook


can i add my UINavigationController and my Tabbar to UIAddressBook I want to use my custom UINavigationController and UITabbar for my app it is possible iphone uinavigationcontroller share improve this question Ofcourse it is possible to make.. share improve this question Ofcourse it is possible to make custom navigationController with UITabbar.Though i suggest you to take a navigation based application and a Tabbar in it. You can use the sample code NSMutableArray..

How to remove the glossy highlight on selected UITabBarItem in iOS?


to remove the glossy highlight on selected UITabBarItem in iOS By default in the UITabbar there is a glossy highlight on the selected UITabBarItem. Is it possible to remove the glossy highlight mask Thanks. iphone..

Is possible to scroll an UITabBar?


sample code or reference. iphone c design uitabbar share improve this question Yes possible. but not using usual UITabbar . you have to create custom tabbar that behave the same. there are projects out there that you can use save a lot of time..