

2014/10/15 ¤U¤Č 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uisearchbar

UISearchbar clearButton forces the keyboard to appear


clearButton forces the keyboard to appear I have a UISearchBar which acts as a live filter for a table view. When the keyboard is dismissed via endEditing the query text and the gray.. reopening the keyboard. There is a protocol method that gets called when I tap the clear button. But sending the UISearchBar a resignFirstResponder message doesn't have any effect on the keyboard. iphone keyboard uisearchbar appearance uisearchbardelegate.. came across the same issue and managed to solve it the following way When the searchBar textDidChange method of the UISearchBarDelegate gets called because of the user tapping the 'clear' button the searchBar hasn't become the first responder yet so..

UISearchBar Sample Code [closed]


Sample Code closed Implementing a searchbar can be tricky business and I'm struggling to make it work for my situation... to make it work for my situation. Here's a collection of some of the sample code I've found for implementing a UISearchBar. Please share any others below you've come across below. Apple's TableSearch code implements a contacts like search of a..

How to search MKMapView with UISearchBar?


to search MKMapView with UISearchBar I have an application that needs to have a similar search feature like the Apple Maps application included with iPhone.. maps geo q Paris France This url will return a JSON object for the query Paris France . 3 Code Method to handle the UISearchBar Search void searchBarSearchButtonClicked UISearchBar theSearchBar Perform the JSON query. self searchCoordinatesForAddress.. object for the query Paris France . 3 Code Method to handle the UISearchBar Search void searchBarSearchButtonClicked UISearchBar theSearchBar Perform the JSON query. self searchCoordinatesForAddress searchBar text Hide the keyboard. searchBar resignFirstResponder..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


to filter NSFetchedResultsController CoreData with UISearchDisplayController UISearchBar I'm trying to implement search code in my CoreData based iPhone app. I'm not sure how to proceed. The app already has an.. running on a device. Yes you create two fetch results controllers one for the normal display and another one for the UISearchBar's table view. If you only use one FRC NSFetchedResultsController then the original UITableView not the search table view.. much of this is boilerplate code. Relevant bits of the header file @interface BlahViewController UITableViewController UISearchBarDelegate NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate UISearchDisplayDelegate other class ivars required ivars for this example NSFetchedResultsController..

What does @synthesize window=_window do?


than say self.searchBar Is it to prevent a clash of ivar names for instance with this delegate method void searchBar UISearchBar searchBar textDidChange NSString searchText Is it the equivalent of self.searchBar rather than searchBar or are those two..

Changing the size of the UISearchBar TextField?


the size of the UISearchBar TextField I have a UITableView with an Index on the side I want to add a UISearchBar to it but the index overlaps with.. the size of the UISearchBar TextField I have a UITableView with an Index on the side I want to add a UISearchBar to it but the index overlaps with the x to clear the search. I've noticed in the Contacts application the textfield within.. the index overlaps with the x to clear the search. I've noticed in the Contacts application the textfield within the UISearchBar is resized to accommodate this but I can't work out how to do this in my own app. I have tried the following in my viewDidLoad..

Changing Tint / Background color of UITabBar


Tint Background color of UITabBar The UINavigationBar and UISearchBar both have a tintColor property that allows you to change the tint color surprising I know of both of those items. I want..

UISearchbar clearButton forces the keyboard to appear


But sending the UISearchBar a resignFirstResponder message doesn't have any effect on the keyboard. iphone keyboard uisearchbar appearance uisearchbardelegate share improve this question This is an old question and I just came across the same issue.. a resignFirstResponder message doesn't have any effect on the keyboard. iphone keyboard uisearchbar appearance uisearchbardelegate share improve this question This is an old question and I just came across the same issue and managed to solve..

Light gray background in “bounce area” of a UITableView


this effect Am I going to have to override implement drawRect or is there a built in way iphone uitableview uikit uisearchbar share improve this question Setting transparencies is bad for performance. What you want is the gray area above the..

How to change inside background color of UISearchBar component on iOS


know how to do this inside it like that This needs to be compatible with iOS 4.3 . Thanks iphone ios customization uisearchbar background color share improve this question use this code for change the searchBar' UITextField backGroundImage UITextField..

Custom clear button in UISearchBar text field


custom button but when you type something the old one get's back... How can I do this iphone ios ipad uitextfield uisearchbar share improve this question You can hide your cancel button on searchBarTextDidBeginEditing void searchBarTextDidBeginEditing..

UISearchView not displaying search values


dataForSection valueForKey array objectAtIndex indexPath.row return cell iphone ios uitableview uisearchbar share improve this question You are not reloading your table after searching void filterContentForSearchText NSString..

Dynamically Changing Keyboard Type for a UISearchBar


keyboard to change itself while it's onscreen or to programmatically hide it and then reshow it iphone cocoa touch uisearchbar share improve this question Even though this is kind of a hack this worked for me void searchBar UISearchBar searchBar..

Change UISearchBar/Keyboard Search Button Title


Title In the UISearchBar control is the a way to change the Search key title for the keyboard to Done iphone button uisearchbar title share improve this question For a searchbar named tablesearchbar Set the return key and keyboard appearance of..

uisearchbar transparent background view


transparent background view In UISearchBar default a background view should present. How to hide that. I need only the.. In UISearchBar default a background view should present. How to hide that. I need only the search textview part in uisearchbar iphone objective c ios ipad share improve this question searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex 0 removeFromSuperview share..

Adding button to left of UISearchBar


the answer but as we can see from the screenshot it must be possible Thank you in advance for your help. Erik iphone uisearchbar share improve this question Use a navigation bar instead of a toolbar. Set the search bar to the navigation bar's title..

UISearchDisplayContoller ??can't prevent table reload on typing in search bar


btw this is my first question asked here ”please let me know if I miss any points of etiquette iphone uitableview uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question This is just the way UISearchDisplayController SDC works. When..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


If anyone has any examples of code using search with the FRC I would greatly appreciate it iphone search core data uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question I actually just implemented this on one of my projects your question..

iPad/iPhone uiSearchbar transparent background


Is somebody out there to do this please point me in the right direction. thanks heaps best regards T iphone ipad uisearchbar share improve this question Try looping through your subviews and look for the right class for UIView subview in searchBar.subviews..

UISearchBar on the top of UITableView which can hide but stay close to UINavigationBar


. I want the same as in Game Center. Do you have any idea how they are doing this iphone ios uitableview uiscrollview uisearchbar share improve this question You will need to hide the search bar on your own when you scroll the tableview. So don't..

UITextField auto correction crash in iOS 4.3 on simulator


. This happens also when typing in a text field such as a UISearchBar. iphone ios4 uitextfield ios simulator uisearchbar share improve this question On the simulator open Settings Keyboard and turn OFF all the options. This prevents the..

how to add searchbar in uitableview?


. in that search bar when I press F ...I must able to see only First FirstTwo How to do this iphone ios uitableview uisearchbar share improve this question The best way to get the hang of this is by following a tutorial over here over here . The..

How to customize apperance of UISearchBar


there a way to hide the white box but not the letters. Can I at least make the box smaller I mean less height iphone uisearchbar share improve this question By IOS 5.0 you have the chance to use UISearchBar appearance setSearchFieldBackgroundImage..

How can I change strings of “Cancel” button, “No Results” label in UISearchBar of UISearchDisplayController?


I change strings of Cancel button No Results label in UISearchBar of UISearchDisplayController Please help me iphone uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question I solved it myself. Cancel Button void searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch..

How to keep scopebar even after pressed Cancel button?


searchBarShouldEndEditing UISearchBar searchBar searchBar setShowsScopeBar YES return YES Thanks iphone uitableview uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller cancel button share improve this question I've had the problem today and I think I've found..

How can I disable/enable UISearchBar keyboard's Search button?


return key when the user types atleast two letters. Is it possible If yes how can we do it Thanks iphone objective c uisearchbar uikeyboard uisearchbardelegate share improve this question You can't disable the search button. What you can do is use.. types atleast two letters. Is it possible If yes how can we do it Thanks iphone objective c uisearchbar uikeyboard uisearchbardelegate share improve this question You can't disable the search button. What you can do is use the UISearchBarDelegate..