

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uisegmentedcontrolstylebar

Need approach to show tables using segmented control?


nil segmentedControl UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems segmentItems retain segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex 0 segmentedControl addTarget self action @selector onSegmentedControlChanged forControlEvents..

How to set image to the UISegmentedControl in iphone?


alloc initWithItems itemArray segmentedControl.frame CGRectMake 5 100 300 40 segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex 1 self.view addSubview segmentedControl segmentedControl release But instead of displaying..

Scope Bar for UITableView like App Store?


a UISearchBar but it is not . iphone ios share improve this question The element is a UISegmentedControl with the UISegmentedControlStyleBar style. You can set the tintColor property to get the color desired. Just put the view above the table view and you can get..

How to tint UIBarButtonItem background color?


In case the link goes down in the future the gist of it is that you create a tinted UISegmentedControl with UISegmentedControlStyleBar with one segment then create a UIBarButtonItem using that as its custom view. In iOS 5 UIBarButtonItem has a tintColor property...

Using a UISegmentedControl in the footer of UIPopoverController


Contacts nil UISegmentedControl ctrl UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems segmentedItems ctrl.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar ctrl.selectedSegmentIndex 0 UIBarButtonItem item UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView ctrl ctrl.frame CGRectMake 0.0f..

how to change the font size of UISegmentedControl text?


UIControlEventValueChanged toolbtn.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBezeled toolbtn.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar toolbtn.tintColor UIColor darkGrayColor toolbtn.backgroundColor UIColor blackColor toolbtn setFrame CGRectMake 0 0 320..

How can I set a button background color on iPhone?


btn UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems NSArray arrayWithObject name btn.momentary YES btn.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar btn.tintColor color btn addTarget self action @selector action forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged Note please that..

How to customize UISwitch button in iphone?


switchView setFrame CGRectMake 20 365 140 28 switchView.selectedSegmentIndex 0 switchView.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar switchView setImage UIImage imageNamed @ onSelected.png forSegmentAtIndex 0 switchView setImage UIImage imageNamed @ off.png..

Implementing my own navigation controller?


title firstTabSegmentedController.frame CGRectMake 0 0 222 30 firstTabSegmentedController.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar firstTabSegmentedController.selectedSegmentIndex 0 firstTabSegmentsController indexDidChangeForSegmentedControl firstTabSegmentedController..

UISegmentedControl text with multiple lines?


MultiLineSegmentedControl alloc initWithItems NSArray arrayWithObjects @ A @ B nil segment.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar segment.frame CGRectMake 0 0 200 segment.frame.size.height 1.5 segment setMultilineTitle @ Title A nSubtitle A forSegmentAtIndex..

How to add UISegmentControl in UINavigationItem ..?


UIControlEventValueChanged segmentedControl.frame CGRectMake 0 0 90 40 segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar segmentedControl.momentary YES segmentedControl setTintColor UIColor clearColor UIBarButtonItem segmentBarItem UIBarButtonItem..

iPhone:DatePicker dd/mm/yyyy


@ Close closeButton.momentary YES closeButton.frame CGRectMake 260 7.0f 50.0f 30.0f closeButton.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar closeButton.tintColor UIColor blackColor closeButton addTarget self action @selector dismissActionSheet forControlEvents..

How to change font color of UISegmentedControl


initWithItems NSArray arrayWithObjects itemTitle nil autorelease button.momentary YES button.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar button.tintColor UIColor redColor for id segment in button subviews for id label in segment subviews if label isKindOfClass..

Save OpenGL Drawn item as a Image


action @selector changeBrushColor forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar Make sure the color of the color complements the black background segmentedControl.tintColor UIColor darkGrayColor Set the..

Record the drawing as a m4v video file - OpenGL


action @selector changeBrushColor forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar Make sure the color of the color complements the black background segmentedControl.tintColor UIColor darkGrayColor Set the..