

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uisearchbarbackground

UISearchBar clear background color or set background image [iphone sdk]


CustomBackground id init for UIView subview in self.subviews if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISearchBarBackground subview.alpha 0.0 if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISegmentedControl subview.alpha 0.0 return self UIImage.. UISearchBar bgImagePortrait for UIView subview in self.subviews if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISearchBarBackground subview.alpha 0.0 if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISegmentedControl subview.alpha 0.0 CGContextTranslateCTM..

Change the font size of UISearchBar


subviews using searchBar subviews . If you print in the console it's subviews you will see that it have these views. UISearchBarBackground UISearchBarTextField. So to change the font size you will only need to do that UITextField textField searchBar subviews..

iPad/iPhone uiSearchbar transparent background


and look for the right class for UIView subview in searchBar.subviews if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISearchBarBackground subview removeFromSuperview break I'm not sure but I dont think you can assume that index 0 is the background view. The..

UISearchBar remove background on iOS 4.1


I tried these solutions 1. for UIView subview in searchBar.subviews if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISearchBarBackground subview removeFromSuperview break 2. searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex 0 removeFromSuperview These two methods both work..

Customizing search bar in iPhone application Development


void clearSearchBarBg for UIView subview in theSearchBar.subviews if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISearchBarBackground subview removeFromSuperview break display showSearchButtonInitially in a keyboard void showSearchButtonInitially UIView..