

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uistoryboard

selecting alternative first view controller from story board at application startup


reference to the story board but I couldn't find a better way than to use the storyboardWithName bundle constructor of UIStoryboard . That feels wrong the application should already have a reference to the story board but how can I access it Update I worked.. to the story board but how can I access it Update I worked out the second issue I was having as I found my answer here UIStoryboard What's the Correctest Way to Get the Active Storyboard NSBundle bundle NSBundle mainBundle NSString sbFile bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey.. NSBundle bundle NSBundle mainBundle NSString sbFile bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey @ UIMainStoryboardFile UIStoryboard sb UIStoryboard storyboardWithName sbFile bundle bundle The above will create a new story board instance to get the active..

Pros and cons of using storyboards


Hope this helped. EDIT Here are some more links I found This one speaks about some of the cons of using storyboards. UIStoryboard on iOS 5 The Good The Bad and the 'This Plain Sucks' This one is mostly about the benefits. What are the advantages of iOS..

How to present a splash/login view controller using storyboards


applicationDidBecomeActive UIApplication application BOOL readyToRun startupWorkIsDone userIsLoggedIn if readyToRun UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil AppStartupViewController startupVC storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier.. UIApplication application BOOL readyToRun startupWorkIsDone userIsLoggedIn if readyToRun UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil AppStartupViewController startupVC storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier..

UIModalPresentationCurrentContext with Transition?


with Transition I am trying to modal present a view controller like below UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil UIViewController vc storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier.. with Transition I am trying to modal present a view controller like below UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil UIViewController vc storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @..

Storyboards orientation support for xCode 4.2?


currentDevice .orientation if UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape deviceOrientation appDelegate .isShowingLandscapeView UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard_iPhone_Landscape bundle NSBundle mainBundle MDBLogin loginVC_landscape.. if UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape deviceOrientation appDelegate .isShowingLandscapeView UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard_iPhone_Landscape bundle NSBundle mainBundle MDBLogin loginVC_landscape storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier.. completion NULL else if UIDeviceOrientationIsPortrait deviceOrientation appDelegate .isShowingLandscapeView UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard_iPhone bundle NSBundle mainBundle MDBLogin loginVC storyboard..

How to create a UIViewController layout in storyboard and then use it in code?


so how do I do it iphone ios5 modalviewcontroller uistoryboard share improve this question Take a look at the UIStoryboard class. There is a instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier Method. So you need to set the Identfier within the Storyboard.. Editor for your ResultsController ViewController. You can do something like this UIViewController viewController UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle NULL instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ ResultsController self presentModalViewController..

Storyboard - refer to ViewController in AppDelegate


objective c ios uiviewcontroller storyboard share improve this question Have a look at the documentation for UIStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier . This allows you to instantiate a view controller from your storyboard using the.. from your storyboard using the identifier that you set in the IB Attributes Inspector EDITED to add example code UIStoryboard mainStoryboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil MyViewController controller MyViewController.. the identifier that you set in the IB Attributes Inspector EDITED to add example code UIStoryboard mainStoryboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil MyViewController controller MyViewController mainStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier..

How can I manually switch between UIViewControllers in storyboard?


bundle nil self.navigationController pushViewController controller animated YES Update If you are using a UIStoryboard you can set the identifier of your new viewcontroller and then push it onto your navigationController. To set the identifier..

Use storyboards in a project which has .xib files- iPhone


Add a single view controller to the storyboard. Assign an identifier to the view controller in the inspector. Use the UIStoryboard class to load the storyboard resource Use UIStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier to create a new instance.. an identifier to the view controller in the inspector. Use the UIStoryboard class to load the storyboard resource Use UIStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier to create a new instance of that view controller. Install the view controller some..

iPhone utility application, Label text does not update in FLipSideView


see that it is properly set to the value of L0.text. Any Idea on what am I doing wrong iphone objective c xcode ios5 uistoryboard share improve this question At the point of prepareForSegue your destination view controller has been created but the..

How to set the UITableView Section title programmatically (iPhone/iPad)?


in this case. Any advice and suggestions would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance. iphone ipad uitableview uistoryboard iboutlet share improve this question Once you have connected your tableView's delegate and datasource to your controller..

Pros and cons of using storyboards


Story Boards. Can anyone please post some advantages and disadvantages while using StoryBoards iphone ios5 storyboard uistoryboard share improve this question When to use Storyboard and when to use XIBs What are the benefits of using Storyboards instead..

How to pass data from one View to other view in IOS using UIStoryboard segues?


couldn't get the solution thats why i am asking again. Apologise for that. Thanks for your help guys iphone ios ios5 uistoryboard shake share improve this question You can pass the data explicitly and in storyboard that is with the prepareForSegue..

iOS 7 UIDatePicker height inconsistency?


the gray background is the background of the UITableView embedded inside the container view. iphone ios uikit ios7 uistoryboard share improve this question I can confirm that using UI Date Picker in storyboards has a different height 162.0 than..

Set managedObjectContext of a UITableViewController with a UINavigationController


that is not the initial view controller Any ideas Thanks in advance ios iphone objective c core data uistoryboard share improve this question If you are using the boilerplate Apple template from Xcode your app delegate should have..

How to create a UIViewController layout in storyboard and then use it in code?


animated YES rc release Right now I don't really have a nib files so how do I do it iphone ios5 modalviewcontroller uistoryboard share improve this question Take a look at the UIStoryboard class. There is a instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier..

Does storyboard eliminate the need for .nib


to the new class. So with storyboard when would i need to use the .xib .nib file Thank you. iphone xcode cocoa touch uistoryboard share improve this question I guess storyboard contains the .xib .nib files for all your views. It present relationships..

UISearchDisplayController causes crash after viewDidUnload


called on the first view controller at this point Apple's code blows up before then. iphone uisearchdisplaycontroller uistoryboard share improve this question So far I found this working solution for iOS 5 SDK using ARC in .h file declare your own..

Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle when using storyboarding


and its file is named MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard. The crash is in the iOS 5 simulator. iphone ios xcode uistoryboard share improve this question I got exactly this error too. Finally I found the cause was I accessed self.tableView in..